The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Cosmetics, Beauty Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
Fazer chapinha no cabelo to straighten one's hair
fibra capilar Hair fiber
fixação "staying power"
Entered by: Lara Barnett
Fluido Escova Rápida see the comments
Gel para assentar o cabelo hair gel
hidratacao profunda de zonas secas, irritadas ou com descamacao deep/intense hydration/moisturisation for dry, irritated or flaky skin
HPPC (HIGIENE PESSOAL, PERFUMARIA E COSMÉTICOS) Cosmetics, fragrances and personal care
incidida cast
Ipt da loja items per ticket for the store
lamina para a leitura do grau slide for reading the (comedogenicity) rate
Entered by: Nadja B Batdorf
lúdico playful
lenços de papel matificantes Facial blotting tissues
maçãs do rosto cheeks (American English); apples of the cheeks (British English)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
maquiador make-up artist
mecha de cabelo / fio de cabelo lock of hair / strand of hair
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
mechas largas large sections of hair
patologias fotossensíveis photosensitive conditions
Entered by: Nadja B Batdorf
polivitamínicos multivitamin
queda do cabelo hair loss
Reafirmante refirming
Reflexos, Luzes e Mechas Hair Highlights and Streaking
repuxamento twitching
respeitando a pele kind to the skin
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
rugas de expressão expression wrinkles / lines
sabonete torrão de ervas herbal medley bar soap
safra harvest / crop picking
saponificado saponified
servicio de conselho customer care
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
sinais aging signs
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
SOB APÓSITOS underneath dressings
tom da tonalização tone-on-tone colouring/shading/dimension
tratamento pós-progressiva post straightening hair treatment
vendas LY sales last year
vendas TY sales this year
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