The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Turkish to English Medical (general) Translation Glossary

Turkish term English translation
sorumlu öğretim üyesi faculty member in charge
sternal kapak sternal valve
SUT kodu Medical Enforcement Declaration Code
Entered by: Aziz Kural
taraf işaretlemesi side marking
Entered by: Aziz Kural
TÜMÖR DIŞI NEDENLER Non-tumor causes
Entered by: Aziz Kural
tedavi ve müşahede altına alınmak be given medical treatment (care) and kept under observation
Tek Girişli Yıkama Makinesi Single Entry Washing Machine
tek taraflı ölümlü trafik kazası unilateral traffic accident with casualty
teknik technique
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Temsil gücü Representation power/strength
torakal aks thoracic axis
trikuspit kapak çevresi plaklar plaques in the periphery of tricuspit valve
trokar görmek trocar placement
Entered by: Aziz Kural
trombosit thrombocyte
UYANDIRMA+ Waking up with pain +
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Uykuda Zemin Ritmi background rhythm during sleep/ while sleeping / in sleep
Uzm. Dr. XXX XXX M.D. Specialist
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Valanlı with Valent
vertebra corpusları vertebral corpora
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Vertebra köşeleri vertebral corners
Entered by: Aziz Kural
Y.T.K.D. Inpatient Treatment Institutions Department
yağ baskılı fat-suppressed
yağ baskılı PD fat suppressed veya ..with fat suppression
Entered by: Aziz Kural
yıkama etkinlik testleri washing effectiveness tests
Yükleme için loading dose = yükleme dozu
Yüzeyel superficial structure
zona fasikülatada zona fasciculata
zonklayıcı Throbbing
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