Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 73 results
Project Finance
Latham & Watkins |
The Book of Jargon® – Project Finance is one in a series of practice area and industry-specific glossaries published by Latham & Watkins. The definitions provide an introduction to each term and may raise complex legal issues on which specific legal advice is required. The terms are also subject to change as applicable laws and customary practice ... View more
معجم مصطلحات وقوانين الشحن: البري-البحري-الجوي / Eng-Ara Dictionary of Land, Sea and Air Transport
Yusuf, Mohd. Abdel Karim & Aboud, Sawsan Ali |
English > Arabic dictionary in downloadable PDF version on Scribd. 191 pages, non-OCR. Published 1996.
Markets have a language all their own and within that language, forex has its own dialect. Here are some terms we commonly use in our commentary.
Англо-русский словарь сокращений транспортно-экспедиторских и коммерческих терминов и выражений ФИАТА Перевод, редактирование, пояснения и комментарии выполнены дирекцией Российской ассоциации международных экспедиторов. Транспортные и экспедиторские термины и выражения Коммерческие термины и выражения (включая "Инкотермс") Международные конвен... View more
Draudimo terminų žodynas (Glossary of Insurance Terms)
Draudimo brokerių rūmai (co-authors - UADBB "Balto Link" and UADB "Ergo Lietuva") |
A brief dictionary of insurance terms in Lithuanian (equivalents in English and German indicated for some terms)
Почти 1 300 статей.
Dictionnaire d'argot
Travel Jargon is a trading name of TIN (Travel Intelligence Network) |
A - Z of terminology, acronyms, and expressions for business or leisure travel, airlines, hotels, car hire, conference and meetings, rail, cruising and tourism. Compiled and continually up-dated by the travel community, is free to use and places all the words and phrases you need at your fingertips. is a dedicated,... View more
glossary by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1995)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russia
Haute Couture Jargon Fashion Lingo words terms
Jernbanegloser DE-DA, EN-DA, FR-DA & vice versa
Dansk Jernbaneklub |
Dansk oversættelse af amerikanske, britiske, franske og tyske jernbaneudtryk samt kort forklaring af damplokomotiv-typenavne. Jernbanegloser er en supplementsordbog. Indholdet er først og fremmest udtryk, man leder forgæves efter i almindelige ordbøger, bl.a. en række sammensætninger. En del udtryk fra det generelle ordforråd er dog også medtaget.
Eurogiro list of names and abbreviations
A website in Romanian and English that offers a multilingual dictionary which seems to be updated very frequently with hundreds of terms and expressions in very different (especially multi-technical) fields. Term search is achieved through a search engine, and there is a dictionary log on the right side listing the latest registered terms. Of cours... View more
Eu Jargon Buster
National Union of Farmers |
Glossary of EU acronyms. For download only.
Vereniging de Waterloo |
Woordenlijst Jiddisch en Bargoens en plat Amsterdams
Relación de algunas de las palabras o términos relacionados con los movimientos artísticos y culturales que se han producido a lo largo de la historia. Para consultar un término o vocablos "clicad" sobre el mismo.
Terminologia francese più usata in cucina. Il gergo culinario degli chef di tutto il mondo, anche italiani, è molto debitore alla cultura francese e quindi tende a mantenere tutta una serie di termini e parole che restano in quella lingua, i cosiddetti francesismi.
Glosario catalán inglés de palabras argot
UK Genealogy, Common Acronyms and Jargon
Dictionnaire argot français |
Formulaire de recherche du dictionnaire argot français. Plus de 18 000 mots d'argot et d'expressions argotiques.
Military Lingo |
Extensive glossary of military lingo pertinent to different eras.
Glossary of EU jargon
Local Government Association |
Glossary of EU terms and phrases
slovenian phrases and slang created by many authors
Glossary of Ocean Cargo Insurance Terms Monolingual English/English
Rail cargo transport dictionary
Ceske drahy, a.s. |
Slovník pojmů z přepravy a spedice Wörterbuch für Verkehr und Spedition Rail Cargo Transport Dictionary
Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
Linux France / Roland Trique |
Vous trouverez sur ce site un dictionnaire d'informatique généraliste, compilé par Roland Trique, avec l'aide précieuse de Frédéric de Solliers et Nat Makarévitch, ainsi que de nombreux contributeurs.
Prototype Worlds: A Glossary of SF Jargon is a glossary of SF coinages, collected for the enjoyment and education of SF fans, SF writers, lexicographers, and linguists.
Most of this glossary is words originally coined in science fiction to describe technologies that did not exist at the time of writing or SFnal ideas for which no ... View more
Informazioni, terminologia e cultura del carcere
detenute, detenuti e operatori volontari delle carceri di Padova e Venezia |
Tutti i moduli per richiedere i benefici e le misure alternative; I benefici e le misure alternative alla detenzione; Leggi e normative che interessano il sistema carcerario; Gli operatori del carcere e le loro funzioni; Glossario di diritto penale; Glossario di diritto penitenziario; La magistratura e l'assistenza sociale; Il gergo burocratico del... View more
Energoelektronika Wortal Branżowy |
Dość obszerny, z kilkoma funkcjami przeszukiwania. Słownik wydaje się być współtworzony przez osoby zainteresowane z branży. Wynika to z informacji: "Po zalogowaniu się otrzymasz możliwość dodawania własnych terminów do słownika".
Glossary of Occupational Therapy
WFOT - World Federation of Occupational Therapy |
Comprehensive list of occupational therapy terms in English, French, German, Spanish, including official definitions of the scope of the profession in various languages.
Downloadable PDF file. Glossary begins from page 34.
T�rminos Filos�ficos
Webdianoia-Filosof�a en el Bachillerato |
Sitio muy completo de introducción a la filosofía, que cuenta con un extenso glosario de conceptos y términos filosóficos.
Glosario de t�rminos literarios en Espa�ol
Swarthmore College |
Glosario en español de términos poéticos y literarios.
Spanish Medical Dictionary Medical Academic Website |
This site provides a glossary of medical terms in Spanish as well as numerous useful links to different medical branches and disciplines related sites.
Glossaire informatique
Roland Trique, Jargonf |
glossaire des termes informatiques
Uluslararası taşımacılık ve lojistik terimleri
Double-Tongued Word Wrester records undocumented or under-documented words from the fringes of English. It focuses upon slang, jargon, and other niche categories which include new, foreign, hybrid, archaic, obsolete, and rare words. Special attention is paid to the lending and borrowing of words between the various Englishes and other languages, ev... View more
Le dictionnaire d'argot et du fran�ais familier |
Le dictionnaire d'argot et du français familier
Liste des expressions françaises courantes et explications
glossaire des produits bancaires
Votre Argent France |