Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Farhange Talaffuz (Urdu Pronunciation Dicitionary) فرہنگ تلفظ
National language promotion department of Pakistan شان الحق حقی ادارۂ فروغِ قومی زبان |
لاش کے خانے میں اردو الفاظ یا کسی لفظ کے کچھ حصے ٹائپ کرکے اس لغت کو تلاش کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ اُردو کے نامور شاعر اور محقق شان الحق حقی نے اس لغت میں نہ صرف الفاظ کے بنیادی اُردو تلفظ کی نشاندہی کی ہے بلکہ اختلافی تلفظ کو بھی واضح کیا ہے۔ نیز تلفظ کے لیے نئے اعراب اور علامات بھی وضع کی ہیں جو قاری کو صحیح تلفظ اور مخرج کے قریب تر پہنچنے میں مدد دیتی ... View more
Urdu Lughat Tareekhi Asool Par اردو لغت تاریخی اصول پر
اُردو لغت بورڈ ،وفاقی وزارتِ اطلاعات، نشریات اور قومی ورثہ Urdu Lughat Board Karachi, Pakistan's Ministry of Information, Transmission and National Hertiage |
اُردو لغت بورڈ کا پہلا منصوبہ اوکسفرڈ ڈکشنری کلاں کے نمونے پر اُردو کی جامع لغت کی تدوین و اشاعت کا تھا۔ یہ اپنی نوعیت کی منفرد لغت ہے۔ جو محض لفظوں اور معنوں کا انبار نہیں بلکہ ہمارے تاریخی ، تہذیبی سفر کو آئینہ بھی کرتی ہے۔ The Urdu Lughat provides Urdu to Urdu dictionary search using Urdu word, meaning, source language and type of word. It al... View more
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. By Keith R. Long. In the course of CIMRI's work, we have found a need for a compilation of Spanish geological and mining terminology that goes beyond the few Spanish-English geological dictionaries available. Even geologists who are fluent in Spanish often encounter local terminology or jerg... View more
English-Chinese Medical Dictionary / Glossary
Dr Wong Kia Boon (Singapore) |
This site, existent since 2001, has recently been revamped in 2016. Unique features: - Quadri-directional search using either English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese or Pinyin (all other forms displayed by entering any 1 of the above) - Predictive / suggestive search feature with autocomplete options (AJAX live search) - Medical terms... View more
Karate Terms & Translations
Bruce A. Brunger |
PDF file composed by Bruce A. Brunger with various terms of Karate, with focus on the Goju-Ryu style and pronunciations of Japanese (in this case, Romanji) terms.
Karate Terms & Translations
Bruce A. Brunger |
Compendium of terms utilized in Goju-Ryu Karate, complete with a very thorough pronunciation guide.
Dictionary of the Environment
State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic |
English-Czech / Czech -English dictionary, covers environmental and sustainable development fields. Having entered a term to be searched, the user is provided all entries that contain the given word or its part. In the English – Czech section, the entries include, along with the English and Czech equivalents, also pronunciation (which will be compl... View more
Thesaurus & Dictionary - very good for searching synonyms/antonyms LLC |
We provide reliable, free online access to millions of English definitions, synonyms, spelling, audio pronunciations, example sentences, and translations from our Web properties at,, and and through our mobile iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and iPad applications and API data services.'s trusted... View more
Forvo, the pronunciation dictionary
Forvo Media SL |
Forvo is the largest pronunciation guide in the world. Ever wondered how a word is pronounced? Ask for that word or name, and another user will pronounce it for you. You can also help others by recording your pronunciations in your own language.
The Swedish National Agency for School Improvement/The Language Council of Sweden (Språkrådet) |
The dictionaries have been issued by the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement. They are included in the Lexin series. Lexin is primarily produced to meet the need of immigrant education and currently consists of about 30,000 words. Since January 2007, the Language Council of Sweden (Språkrådet) is responsible for the Lexin project. The ... View more
Un glossaire cadien-anglais/A Cajun French-English Glossary
Department of French Studies LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY |
Curiosity Media 2008 |
Founded in 1999, SpanishDict is a leading online Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and language learning website. A family-run operation, SpanishDict aims to provide the highest quality Spanish educational materials available anywhere. Our site seeks not only to develop rock-solid resources for learning Spanish, we also hope to cultivate a f... View more
English<>Hindi Dictionary
Department of Official Language (DOL) and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) |
DOP Dizionario d'Ortografia e di Pronunzia
RAI (Italian TV) |
Italian Dictionary of orthography and pronunciation with 129.000 words (92.000 in italian and 37.000 in other languages), 6.000 citations (that you can listen to) from Italian literature
Glossary of Poetic Terms
Robert G. Shubinski |
A unique guide for the study of poetry with an extensive range of definitions, hyper-linked keywords, cross references between related terms, numerous examples, phonetic pronunciation guides, and writers guidelines. Some of the definitions are accompanied by sidelights (informative glimpses beyond the definition) or by quotations about poetry and ... View more
Here you can find some of the more common words that may be heard when visiting Scotland. For example: Are you real?=A term which means, "do you have any idea what you are talking about?" Braw=Good.
TU Chemnitz |
Since 1995 our online dictionary has offered you German <> English translations: fast, efficient, user-friendly and, of course, free. Today you're able to find:
Fonética: los sonidos del español
The University of Iowa |
A complete guide to Spanish phonetics, including diagrams, audio and examples.
More than 4200 place names with all versions in Estonian, English, French, German, Finnish, Russian, local languages. In addition historical names and a vast amount of pronunciations. Site mostly in Estonian.
Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms/Glosario de términos genéticos
National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health |
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help people without scientific backgrounds understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. Simply click on the term of interest to open a page with a wealth of information, including the term's pronunciation, audio information, images a... View more
Glossary of Genetic Terms
The National Human Genome Research Institute |
The glossary is intended to help people without scientific backgrounds understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. It includes the term's pronunciation, audio information, images and additional links to related terms. There is also a Spanish version.
Glossary of Technical Terms in Plant Pathology
Cornell University |
Glossary of technical terms in plant pathology, enriched with a pronunciation guide, illustrations, and pictures.
Open Dictionary
Open Dictionary (Wiktionary) |
Multilingual Multidirectional Translation Dictionary offering: Language occurences Etymology Pronunciation Linguistic info Lexical info Quotations Translations Derived terms
ArtLex - Art Dictionary
ArtLex - Michael Delahunt |
Definitions for more than 3,600 terms used in discussing art / visual culture, along with thousands of supporting images, pronunciation notes, great quotations and cross-references.
A list of Chinese surnames. Includes pronunciation in Mandarin, Cantonese and other dialogs.
Apart from this dictionary has over 56,508 entries, it is also with an unique feature of over 10,369 audio pronunciations. So you can find the words in spanish and english both the way round and listen/read the pronunciation too. Enjoy
Unique Guide to Study of Poetry |
Features : - poetic pronunciation - broad range of definitions - wealth of poetic quatations - cross-references - writer's guidelines - numerous examples - can be downloaded
This new electronic dictionary features over 30,000 entries and an array of multimedia, including spoken pronunciations, animations, and colorful illustrations. The unique Word Explorer allows browsing by topic, and hyperlinked synonyms help students find exactly the right word
Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms | http://National Human Genome Resear...
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help people without scientific backgrounds understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. Simply click on the term of interest to open a page with a wealth of information, including the term's pronunciation, audio information, images a... View more
Phonetic pronunciation, Cross references, Broad range of definitions, Numerous examples, A wealth of poetic quotations, Writers' guidelines, Hyper-linked keywords & cross references
is a cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions