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Refusing work due to ethical beliefs
Persoa que publicou o fío: Nath93MCR (X)
Adrian MM. (X)
Adrian MM. (X)
Local time: 20:11
French to English
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Differentiate between a freelance and staff translator Apr 22, 2016

Charlie Bavington wrote:

I've recently declined several jobs relating to French companies bidding for contracts in Saudi Arabia, and I said I felt that the West's long-term interests would be better served if we were less financially involved with Saudi Arabia at this point, so I wanted no part of it. I also declined work for arch-tax dodgers Rothschild, and said that was the reason.

Picking and choosing work as a freelance(r) is a luxury and a bit different in English law from - or US law than - 'disobeying a lawful order' to translate or interpret as a salaried staff translator or employee of a European or international organisation, court or tribunal & so traditionally raising the prospect of instant dismissal.

One predicament I experienced as a staff translator was that a pet-loving audio-typist refused to type up a pharmaceutical translation into English about animal experimentation and vivisection. The brief then went to another pool audio-typist who complied.

Also, about 30 years ago, there was - paradoxically - a widespread translators' boycott on the British Isles (the US and possibly elsewhere) of Arab-French and other language translations of contracts and invitations to tender containing an Israeli boycott = boycott of Israel clause.

Exasperated clients whose work would be consistently turned down then had to storm into translation companies-cum-agencies to force the translation on staff translators of various confessions and who could resist the imposition only under the threat of instant dismissal.

Nowadays, the tendency of freelancers to turn down work on supply contracts and tenders for heavy military ordnance is understandable, whereas turning down general articles on the wicked spread of small arms and weapons might end up self-defeating and counter-productive.

Topically, translators - on suspecting a 'highly artificial tax avoidance scheme' as often struck down by London High-Court judges - might think twice about accepting Panamanian, Liechtenstein or Swiss legal & financial briefs that seem to have a whiff of a questionable offshore purpose.

[Edited at 2016-04-24 08:40 GMT]

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Refusing work due to ethical beliefs

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