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Non-platinum members described as "guests"
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Silvia Borges
Silvia Borges
United States
Local time: 20:29
Why not "Member" and "Platinum Member"? Aug 27, 2003

Ricardo Martinez de la Torre wrote:

I think that would be a lot "cleaner" than "non-platinum member" and still eliminate any negative connotations.

Members, Platinum members and so forth, if it comes to that.

Henry, with all due respect regarding all costs associated with the site, I think it would not hurt either member (I have been on both sides of the equation) and am aware of the platinum members financial contribution, as well as the non-platinum members knowledge contribution, and this is also a major reason for the success of this site.

Silvia Borges

[Edited at 2003-08-31 13:17]

Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:29
German to English
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Agree with Gianfranco Aug 28, 2003

Speaking as a non-platinum member, I must say that I much prefer "guest" to "non-paying member". "Non-paying member" makes us sounds like freeloaders. Which we are, of course.

"Guest" is not unprofessional at all. "Guest" is the standard term on the Internet for visitors to a web site with an optional login. From a technical point of view, this describes ProZ exactly.

Having said that, we non-paying members have no right to complain about how we are referred to. No one
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Speaking as a non-platinum member, I must say that I much prefer "guest" to "non-paying member". "Non-paying member" makes us sounds like freeloaders. Which we are, of course.

"Guest" is not unprofessional at all. "Guest" is the standard term on the Internet for visitors to a web site with an optional login. From a technical point of view, this describes ProZ exactly.

Having said that, we non-paying members have no right to complain about how we are referred to. No one is forcing us to visit ProZ!

Marc (free-surfin' spirit kinda member)

Maria Luisa Duarte
Maria Luisa Duarte
Local time: 02:29
English to Portuguese
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invited person Aug 28, 2003

Parrot wrote:

Martin Schmurr wrote:

\"Guest = One who pays for meals or accommodations…\" - thus it would be more correct to call Platinums \"guests\"…

Dunno... I\'d never make a guest in my house pay for meals or accommodations...

I agree 100% with you; guests in one’s house are not requested to pay, because simply they have been invited.
In Proz a guest or non-paying members enjoy the benefits of an invited person, which is to use the facility and not pay a cent.
There are guests in Proz that even though they are non paying members, contribute quite a lot in the assistance of fellow guests or paying members.
But lets be fair, when you invite a guest to your house, you know is name where he comes from and what he does for a living. What I cannot understand is how it is allowed in Proz that there are guests (non paying members) that do not fill in their profile with the minimum details, for example”name, where he comes from and what he does for a living.”
The profile should have certain fields that must be compulsory to be filled in; failing to enter the required data will automatically discard the petition.
This Henry, I feel is also something that needs looking into.
Thanks for a great site.


Local time: 02:29
French to English
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Charter member Aug 28, 2003

On my profile it says I am a charter member, so we already have a title which never seems to be used.

I agree that in internet terms, I understand a guest to be someone who is not registered on the site. We non-paying (or charter) members are registered as ProZ users, therefore I do not consider myself a guest. To me, a guest is an unregistered visitor who asks a KudoZ question. Am I wrong?

Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:29
German to English
+ ...
Charter member Aug 28, 2003

I agree that in internet terms, I understand a guest to be someone who is not registered on the site. We non-paying (or charter) members are registered as ProZ users, therefore I do not consider myself a guest. (...) To me, a guest is an unregistered visitor who asks a KudoZ question. Am I wrong?

Good point. There are actually three different categories: non-registered users, registered users and paying registered users.

On my profile it says I am a charter member, so we already have a title which never seems to be used.

What exactly is a "charter member" in terms of ProZ? My dictionary gives "an original member of a society, corporation, etc." as the meaning of "charter member" - that isn't an accurate description of a ProZ charter member, surely?


Mads Grøftehauge
Mads Grøftehauge  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:29
English to Danish
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illogical for job posters Sep 10, 2003

First of all, I second the interpretation that says 'guest = non-registered member'.
Job posters understandably do not want anything to do with someone like that. But otherwise what do they care?

Few people in this discussion have addressed the issue from the point of view of job posters. Their prime concern must be to seek out the most qualified person(s) for the job in terms of specialization, experience, education, certification, CAT tools, etc.

However, if yo
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First of all, I second the interpretation that says 'guest = non-registered member'.
Job posters understandably do not want anything to do with someone like that. But otherwise what do they care?

Few people in this discussion have addressed the issue from the point of view of job posters. Their prime concern must be to seek out the most qualified person(s) for the job in terms of specialization, experience, education, certification, CAT tools, etc.

However, if you search for people with specific keywords in the freelancer directory, and no platinum members meet the requirements, non-paying members are 'hidden' on another page.

It just says that the number of *platinum* members that meet the criteria is *zero*, but you have to be familiar with the ProZ system to even consider that there might be others.

I realize that this would benefit us non-payers, and yes, that is the main reason I point it out (again).

But is it not also the case that people using the freelancer directory is getting less than optimum service?

I would recommend a general upgrade of the directory (as it is, you can't search all fields; no speciality categories available; 'refine search' button should be at the bottom; etc...).

Hope this gets a response.


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Non-platinum members described as "guests"

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