Freelance translators » English to Chinese » Marketing » Media / Multimedia » Page 1

Below is a list of English to Chinese freelance translators specializing in translations in the Marketing: Media / Multimedia field. Para máis campos de procura, probe a procura avanzada facendo clic na ligazón da dereita.

221 resultados (membros de pago de

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

James Pan
James Pan
Native in Chinese (Variants: Mandarin, Traditional, Cantonese, Simplified) Native in Chinese
Medical Equipment, medical, equipment, business, CRM, ERP, website, technical documnet, technical, network, ...
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
English, Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English to Chinese, English to Simplified Chinese, translation, localization, technical writing, user guide, document, ...
Native in Chinese (Variants: Mandarin, Traditional, Simplified) Native in Chinese
Chinese, IT, localization, marketing, medical, pharmaceutical, accounting, lift truck,
Chuanyan Nie
Chuanyan Nie
Native in Chinese (Variant: Simplified) Native in Chinese
Religion, Psychology, Literature, Politics, Economics, Education, Marketing, Information Technology (IT), Creative Writing, Software, ...
Jie Shen
Jie Shen
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
Chinese, CAT, MTPE, localisation, copywriting, revise, subtitle, finance, trade, marketing, ...
Jaclyn Mae Tan
Jaclyn Mae Tan
Native in Chinese (Variant: Mandarin) Native in Chinese, Tagalog (Variant: Philippines) Native in Tagalog
Chinese, English, computers, technology, IT, software, engineering, business, marketing, entertainment, ...
Rongjin Jiang
Rongjin Jiang
Native in Chinese (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin) Native in Chinese
chinese business, chinese legal, chinese medical, chinese translation, chinese document translation, chinese technology translator, chinese technical translator chinese documents translation, business, marketing, finance, ...
Tae Kim
Tae Kim
Native in Korean Native in Korean
Korean translation, English to Korean translation, Korean to English translation, Tae Kim, Tae Soo Kim, social sciences, history, anthropology, sociology, geography, ...
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
conference interpreter, localization, French administration, Contrats and laws, Chinese administration, subtitles, film reviews, tourism, hotel reservation, wine, ...
Amanda Zhang
Amanda Zhang
Native in Chinese (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin) Native in Chinese
Mandarin, Chinese, legal, financial, marketing, academic, localization, subtitle, desktop publishing, court interpreter, ...
Carlis Hsu
Carlis Hsu
Native in English Native in English, Chinese (Variants: Simplified, Cantonese) Native in Chinese
Chinese, English, Japanese, medicine, cardiology, surgery, medicine, pharmaceutical, medical instruments, medical equipment, ...
Hou Hsiang Huang
Hou Hsiang Huang
Native in Chinese (Variant: Traditional) Native in Chinese
Traditional Chinese, Japanese, TC, ZH, TW, computers, network, software, hardware, localization, ...
Ivan Niu
Ivan Niu
Native in Chinese (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin) Native in Chinese
computers, technologies, technology, software, localization, English to Chinese, English to Mandarin, translations, proofreading, editing, ...
Ellen Z
Ellen Z
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
English, Simplified, Engineer, Equipment, Papermaking, Manufacture, Computer, IT, Petroleum, Oil, ...
Shirley Chen
Shirley Chen
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
biology, casinos, certifications, certified Chinese translator, children's literature, codes of conduct, codes of ethics, computers, contracts, customer atisfaction surveys, ...
Amr Hemdan
Amr Hemdan
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Arabic, French, German, Farsi, Dari, DTP, Desktop Publishing, Typesetting, Transcription, Subtitling, ...
Yuemin Chen
Yuemin Chen
Native in Chinese 
Chinese, English, oil, petroleum, energy, travel, tourism, marketing, press, media, ...
Janice Tsai
Janice Tsai
Native in Chinese (Variants: Simplified, Minnan (aka. Hokkien or Taiwanese)) Native in Chinese
Chinese, business, e-commerce, internet, localization
Eileen Peng
Eileen Peng
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
native Chinese translator, English-Chinese translator, education, marketing, tourism, software localization, IT, computer, science & technology, website localization, ...
Jacky Ye
Jacky Ye
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
IT, information technology, computer, software, hardware, system, network, software localization, website localization, finance, ...

Os tradutores, así coma os intérpretes, fan posible a comunicación entre culturas ao traducir unha lingua noutra. Os tradutores traballan con textos escritos, en lugar de coa palabra falada.

Traducir implica moito máis que a simple conversión palabra a palabra dunha lingua á outra. Os tradutores deben entender en profundidade o tema de calquera texto que traduzan, así coma as culturas asociadas coas linguas orixe e destino.

Con máis de 300.000 tradutores e intérpretes rexistrados, ten a maior base de datos en liña de profesionais lingüísticos do mundo. Para atopar un tradutor elixa a combinación de linguas ou probe a 1,464,500procura avanzada de tradutor e intérprete. Tamén pode solicitar presupostos para un proxecto de tradución específico publicando unha oferta de traballo de tradución.