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Portuguese to English Accounting Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
IES - Informação Empresarial Simplificado IES [acronmym in Portuguese] - Simplified Company Data/Information
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
imediatamente mobilizável immediately available / can be accessed immediately
Imobilizações corpóreas Tangible fixed assets
imobilizações corpóreas tangible fixed assets
Imobilizações de Recursos não Correntes Conversion of non-current assets to fixed assets
imobilizações em curso current fixed assets
Imobilizado de Uso use of assets
Entered by: Carla Selyer
imobilizado em curso/em serviço fixed assets in progress / in use
Imobilizado Técnico technical equipment fixed assets
Imp a Recuperar Recoverable/reclaimable tax
Imposto Pago Incidente sobre Ganhos no Mercado de Renda Variável tax paid on equity market gains
imposto sobre rendimento income tax
Impostos a Recuperar / Compensar Recoverable and offsettable taxes
impostos diferidos deferred taxes
Incidente falling upon
incl. acc. pess. oc. incl. passenger liability insurance
Entered by: Ana Vozone
INCORPORAÇÃO DE OBRIGAÇÕES incorporation of bonds
indice de autonomia financeira Index of financial independence
informação de registo orçamental budgetary registry information
Informar o responsável pela guarda dos livros contábeis report the person in charge of safekeeping (keeping) the accounting books (records)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Ingressos Income
Entered by: Emiliano Pantoja
Ingressos e dispêndios income and expenditures
inicio da depreciação normal (field) beginning of regular depreciation
instalação em primeira convocação (for it) to be held/to take place on first summons/call
Insubsistência Ativa Extinguished Liabilities
internamento das notas fiscais submission/presentation of tax invoices
Interveniente anuente Voluntary intervener/or
inventariação fisica physical inventory
Entered by: Todd Field
investimentos patrimoniais equity investments
IS (Imposto do Selo) Stamp Duty
IVA incluído à taxa de 12% 12 per cent VAT included
já contemplam o pro rata dia are already prorated per diem
juros a transcorrer interest accrual/accruing
Entered by: Ana Vozone
Juros ativos Interest receivable/interest payable
Entered by: judith ryan
Entered by: Edgar Potter
juros incluídos no valor das rendas interest included as revenue
Entered by: Edgar Potter
JUROS REM CAP PROP. DISTR PARATI-2004. JUROS REM CAP PROP DIS Interests on own capital (OR shareholders' equity) distributed by Parati-2004
lançamentos complementares de tributos additional taxes
lçtos entries
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
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