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IoL DipTrans results
Persoa que publicou o fío: Louise Souter (X)
Louise Souter (X)
Louise Souter (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:32
Spanish to English
+ ...
Apr 21, 2009

Could anyone tell me from past experience when you normally receive your Diptrans results? I know on the IoL website it states within 14 weeks of the last exam but I am worried because I have changed address since I sat the exam. I have emailed IoL to inform them but have received no reply so far.

Astrid Elke Witte
Astrid Elke Witte  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
Membro (2002)
German to English
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Sometimes the results are out late Apr 21, 2009

Hi Louise,

I think you will not have missed anything yet. The year that I sat the exam I think it was into early May before the results were out. If my memory serves me correctly, I think I got my results on 10th May.

You will hear about your results, one way or another, as soon as they are issued.


Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:32
French to English
SAE? Apr 21, 2009

Do they still use SAE's that you provide yourself?
Because if so, I can foresee problems....
(There again, perhaps I am thinking of some other splendid body.)

Regardless, I always think the Royal Mail redirection service offers excellent value for money. Certainly when you compare the time and effort that you could be forced to spend IF something failed to turn up because you hadn't bothered with redirection...

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
Membro (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
They'll find you! Apr 21, 2009

I reckon it could be the same situation as with the ATA's certification. I got paranoid about whether they had my details right etc. etc. as it took them some 18-19 weeks to send me the results (they inform that grading takes 15 weeks at a minimum). I just wanted to recommend that you don't worry excessively. When the 14 weeks have elapsed, you might want to call them or email them to find out whether your exam was graded already. They'll certainly find your details if you passed!

... See more
I reckon it could be the same situation as with the ATA's certification. I got paranoid about whether they had my details right etc. etc. as it took them some 18-19 weeks to send me the results (they inform that grading takes 15 weeks at a minimum). I just wanted to recommend that you don't worry excessively. When the 14 weeks have elapsed, you might want to call them or email them to find out whether your exam was graded already. They'll certainly find your details if you passed!

(Having said that, I think Charlie's suggestion might be worth considering, just for your peace of mind.)

Cristina Cajoto
Cristina Cajoto  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
English to Spanish
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I am also waiting Apr 22, 2009

and I understand your anxiety! I have not changed address lately, so they are probably running late...
Also, they are not very quick at answering e-mails, maybe you could try and give them a call to check whether they have got your right address.
As Charlie says, the Royal Mail redirection service is another option, though it didn't work for me when I moved back to Spain, hopefully it would work better within the UK.


Christiane Boehm (X)
Christiane Boehm (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
French to German
+ ...
Normal delay Apr 22, 2009

Hi Louise,

two of my friends also sat he exam in January and they haven’t received their results yet.
I know the waiting time is terribly long… and I also remember receiving my results early May.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!


Peter Shortall
Peter Shortall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Romanian to English
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Last year Apr 22, 2009

Last year I received my result on 7 May, so I think it'll probably be a couple more weeks yet. Good luck!

Angela Dickson (X)
Angela Dickson (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:32
French to English
+ ...
May Apr 22, 2009

I seem to recall I received mine in early May a few years ago. I strongly recommend you pay for Royal Mail's Redirection service - yes, it costs, but think of the hassle if something is delivered wrongly.

I also recommend you phone the IoL to make sure they have your correct address. Perhaps try both the main admin people and the examinations section, just to be sure.

Anne Carnot
Anne Carnot  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
Membro (2009)
English to French
Not out yet! Apr 22, 2009

Don't worry, I'm also waiting for my results, and so are a couple of my friends who sat the exam with me last January... Although I really don't know why it takes so long!
Good luck to you, I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us!

Louise Souter (X)
Louise Souter (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:32
Spanish to English
+ ...
I moved from Spain Apr 22, 2009

I should have pointed out that I moved from Spain (where I sat the exam) so I don't think contacting Royal Mail will help. I have also tried contacting IoL by telephone without success.

Good luck to AC Translation, Cristina and everyone else who is waiting.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
Membro (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Examination centres don't do the grading Apr 22, 2009

Louise Souter wrote:
I should have pointed out that I moved from Spain (where I sat the exam) so I don't think contacting Royal Mail will help. I have also tried contacting IoL by telephone without success.
Good luck to AC Translation, Cristina and everyone else who is waiting.

Hm... As far as I am aware (I asked one of the examination centres a couple of weeks ago), examination centres don't do the grading. All exams are forwarded to IOL unopened and IOL takes care of everything. The examination centre only serves as the space to sit the exam.

Louise Souter (X)
Louise Souter (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:32
Spanish to English
+ ...
Spanish address Apr 22, 2009

Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote:

Hm... As far as I am aware (I asked one of the examination centres a couple of weeks ago), examination centres don't do the grading. All exams are forwarded to IOL unopened and IOL takes care of everything. The examination centre only serves as the space to sit the exam.

What I meant was that the address I gave IoL when I registered for the exam is in Spain.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
Membro (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
I see! Apr 22, 2009

Louise Souter wrote:
What I meant was that the address I gave IoL when I registered for the exam is in Spain.

Indeed I misunderstood. Sorry. In any case, if you feel uneasy about this, I think that Correos also offers the service to forward your mail to some other address. If you don't have any address in Spain you can use, feel free to email me for my address. I will be happy to receive and forward anything you get in the following months.

Louise Souter (X)
Louise Souter (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:32
Spanish to English
+ ...
Thank you Apr 22, 2009

But I'll try telephoning IoL again.

Just to make me feel more nervous, I have had problem receiving/sending mail between the UK and Spain in the past.

Anne Carnot
Anne Carnot  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:32
Membro (2009)
English to French
May 1st Apr 23, 2009

Hi Louise,

Just to let you know, a friend of mine contacted the IoL, and they told her they're "hoping" to send the results around May 1st... So it gives you a little time to sort out your mail problem...
Have a nice day!

[Edited at 2009-04-23 10:22 GMT]

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