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Powwow: Oakland, California - United States

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aappel (X)
aappel (X)
Italian to English
Venice? Nov 24, 2001

with those wonderful gondolas in the photo, it looks more like Venice than Oakland!

ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Beergarden in Berkeley on Shuttuck Nov 27, 2001

Please have a look at the Oakland powwow page and let me know if the Tarek's proposed venue sounds good.

Would afternoon or evening be more convenient for everyone?

aappel (X)
aappel (X)
Italian to English
Beergarden in Berkeley Nov 27, 2001

Sounds good.
Afternoon is definitely preferable for me.

athena22  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:24
+ ...
Are you talking about Jupiter? Nov 27, 2001

If so,it's a nice place &
sounds good to me.
Afternoon is much better for
Since I'm singing the
next morning, it will have
to be VERY warm for me
to want to put my vocal
cords outdoors,though!

Toña Morales-Calkins
Toña Morales-Calkins
United States
Local time: 23:24
English to Spanish
+ ...
I'll need an address. Nov 28, 2001

Evening is better for me, but I'll try to make an afternoon if that's more convenient for everyone else.

Sabina Norderhaug (X)
Sabina Norderhaug (X)
English to Russian
+ ...
I prefer morning or afternoon Nov 28, 2001

Marta Goc
Marta Goc  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:24
Polish to English
+ ...
Jupiter Nov 28, 2001

Here is the link for Jupiter directions if that is where we decide the meet...

Marta Goc
Marta Goc  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:24
Polish to English
+ ...
Pyramid has better beer- Nov 28, 2001

Berkeley Alehouse
Pyramid Alehouse, Brewery & Restaurant
901 Gilman Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 528-9880
(510) 528-9921 Fax
(510) 527-9090 Brewery & Sales Office

ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff

ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Test Dec 6, 2001

Just testing. Please ignore.

aappel (X)
aappel (X)
Italian to English
time? Dec 7, 2001

has the time been decided yet?

Nathalia A.
Nathalia A.
United States
Local time: 23:24
English to Indonesian
+ ...
So... Dec 10, 2001

Where and when will we be meeting? December 15 is around the corner...

Marta Goc
Marta Goc  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:24
Polish to English
+ ...
per Henry- December 15 @ 2PM, place TBA Dec 12, 2001

Nathalia A.
Nathalia A.
United States
Local time: 23:24
English to Indonesian
+ ...
I'm sorry... Dec 14, 2001

Regretfully, I won't be able to make it to the powpow event as I will be out of the country on vacation. Have fun, take pictures and write all the details!

Rick Henry
Rick Henry  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:24
Italian to English
+ ...
Has a place been decided? Dec 15, 2001

It's getting quite close - less than 24 hours.

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Powwow: Oakland, California - United States

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