Remove empty text box in Word?
Persoa que publicou o fío: Andy S
Andy S
Andy S
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:20
German to English
Jun 22, 2012

A Word 2010 document containing text boxes has inserted an extra, empty page which I cannot delete by following the example given here:

I simply cannot seem to be able click on the border to highlight it, in order to hit de
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A Word 2010 document containing text boxes has inserted an extra, empty page which I cannot delete by following the example given here:

I simply cannot seem to be able click on the border to highlight it, in order to hit delete.

Neither can I find a Page Break which I can delete when I hit "show/Hide".

I wonder if this is because the box is an extension of the box on the previous page, even though any text within it has now been deleted.

Does anyone have a by advice please?

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:20
Membro (2002)
English to Russian
+ ...

Hi Andrew Jun 22, 2012

2 suggestions:

1) Try opening the file in OpenOffice and re-saving as a .DOC file.

2) Try changing the page background color in Word: the color of text boxes should not change and they will become visible (otherwise change the default text box color).


Rolf Keller
Rolf Keller
Local time: 20:20
English to German
Extract A from A & B and voilà: B is deleted :-) Jun 23, 2012

Andy S wrote:

I simply cannot seem to be able click on the border to highlight it, in order to hit delete.

Highlight the remainder of the doc and copy it into a new, empty doc.

To make sure that all template data and such stuff is not lost, create a copy of the original doc, highlight all the content and delete it. Then use this doc as the empty doc for the above step.

Andy S
Andy S
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:20
German to English
Thankyou Jun 23, 2012

Thankyou, Natalia and Rolf, for your suggestions. The issue is now resolved.


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Remove empty text box in Word?

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