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Winword Exe Runtime Error
Persoa que publicou o fío: david angel (X)
david angel (X)
david angel (X)
Local time: 21:18
French to English
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Thanks for the red light! Aug 3, 2006

OK, I've had some dinner and a glass of wine, and now back to work. I'll try the suggestions, Jerszy and Fernando, but I have already deleted loads of temp files. Still, here goes.

Peter Linton (X)
Peter Linton (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:18
Swedish to English
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Runtime error - possible solution Aug 3, 2006

I had a very similar problem recently, after finally upgrading my WIN XP Pro SP1 to Service Pack 2. I am using MS Word 2000 and Trados 7.

After that upgrade, Word would start (splash screen appeared) but then stop with the error message :

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way

I tried just about all the suggestions already mentioned here, for every conveivable .dot file, I even uninstalled the entire Microsoft Office S
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I had a very similar problem recently, after finally upgrading my WIN XP Pro SP1 to Service Pack 2. I am using MS Word 2000 and Trados 7.

After that upgrade, Word would start (splash screen appeared) but then stop with the error message :

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way

I tried just about all the suggestions already mentioned here, for every conveivable .dot file, I even uninstalled the entire Microsoft Office Suite, deleted the entire Office entry in the registry, and reinstalled Office. No good.

After a long search on the Microsoft web site, I found this page:
with 4 different possible solutions (all rather scary). Methods 1, 2, 3 made no difference.

Finally I tried method 4 on that page, which shows the DLL files being used by Word (in my case, a list of ablout 30). It doesn't tell you which one is causing the problem - you have to guess. In my case, I guessed it was a DLL used by an OCR application that plugs into Word. As suggested, I renamed the DLL. Now I get an alert about this every time I restart the computer, but it seems to have cured my Runtime problem. At least I can use Word again.

Problem perhaps not quite solved - it happened again the other day when I connected 3 Multiterm files to Trados, using the options that appear in Word. I suspect there is some corruption in one of the Multiterm files. So that is another possible route to a solution - track down by elimination a corrupted Multiterm file.

Another thing worth trying is running Word in troubleshooting mode at the command line, as described on the URL above.

Hope this helps.

david angel (X)
david angel (X)
Local time: 21:18
French to English
+ ...
More desperate measures. Aug 3, 2006

OK, I've had a look at the Word Startup file and there are only two files there - Trados7.dot and Multiterm7.dot

I've also deleted word-related tmp files.

I've deinstalled Office and reinstalled it.

Still no results.

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Membro (2003)
Polish to German
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Sorry, no clue anymore Aug 3, 2006

I´m at the end with my Latin.
Never have had such troubles, perhaps because I have quite fast upgraded to newer versions of Office. In fact I bought Office XP before it was really available...
Then I kept my system actuall with all service packs from Microsoft.
In case of Peter Linton this seems to have harmed his Office installation... One never knows...

Sorry, I´m not able to help you - my only advice is to upgrade to XP or 2003. The faster the better.
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I´m at the end with my Latin.
Never have had such troubles, perhaps because I have quite fast upgraded to newer versions of Office. In fact I bought Office XP before it was really available...
Then I kept my system actuall with all service packs from Microsoft.
In case of Peter Linton this seems to have harmed his Office installation... One never knows...

Sorry, I´m not able to help you - my only advice is to upgrade to XP or 2003. The faster the better.


david angel (X)
david angel (X)
Local time: 21:18
French to English
+ ...
Peter's idea Aug 3, 2006

Thanks, Peter. I've tried the solutions suggested, but I can't find any dlls. Maybe I'm just too tired.
I think too I have to upgrade from Office 2000, as Jerzy has suggested.
Thanks a lot for your help everyone.

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Membro (2003)
Polish to German
+ ...
DLLs are not shown per default Aug 3, 2006

The default setting of Windows XP is not to show the user any system file. DLL are system files, so they are hidden by default.
To get them viewable you have to change the options in Folder and File settings - either via Windows Explorer or via Control Panel.


david angel (X)
david angel (X)
Local time: 21:18
French to English
+ ...
An emergency solution Aug 3, 2006

For anyone in a similar fix, here is a way round the problem.

Start Menu/Run

Type winword /a (don't forget the space before the forward slash)

Press OK to start Word.

Go to Tools/Templates and Add-ins.

Check Multiterm7.dot and Trados7.dot which should be in the Start-up Folder.

Start translating.

Many thanks for all the help. The page was given by Peter Linton, where there is more help.

david angel (X)
david angel (X)
Local time: 21:18
French to English
+ ...
Is this thing from outer space? Aug 4, 2006

Dear friends - I have been using the software suggested by Peter which shows dll files at work while Word is active. (Jerzy - thanks for the tip about showing dlls.)

I've renamed those belonging to the printer software, OCR software, and Symantec anti-virus software - in fact ALL the dlls that are not Microsoft.

The odd thing is that some of these actions have a TEMPORARY effect - then the runtime error reemerges.

I feel uneasy about renaming any more - som
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Dear friends - I have been using the software suggested by Peter which shows dll files at work while Word is active. (Jerzy - thanks for the tip about showing dlls.)

I've renamed those belonging to the printer software, OCR software, and Symantec anti-virus software - in fact ALL the dlls that are not Microsoft.

The odd thing is that some of these actions have a TEMPORARY effect - then the runtime error reemerges.

I feel uneasy about renaming any more - some appear to be ststem files. If you're still on the case, can you think of ANYTHING else?

Martin Feuk
Martin Feuk
Local time: 22:18
English to Swedish
I have the same problem Aug 4, 2006

I run into exactly this problem when I have both F-secure virus scanning software and Trados 7.5 installed. If I remove either program Word starts working well again.

However I can open files by first starting Word and then opening the file from inside Word instead of just double clicking the file.


[Edited at 2006-08-04 07:12]

david angel (X)
david angel (X)
Local time: 21:18
French to English
+ ...
virus scan Aug 4, 2006

Thanks Martin.
I have tried disabling the virus scan, and I've also renamed a viruscan dll file - to no effect I'm afraid.
I wonder if I upgrade to Microsoft Office 2003 or some such. Do you work with Office 2000 as I do?

Martin Feuk
Martin Feuk
Local time: 22:18
English to Swedish
Office version Aug 4, 2006

I am running Microsoft Office 2003 and I get the same problem with both Trados 5.5 and 7.5.

Can you open your documents from within Word as I can, by going to Archive -> Open?


david angel (X)
david angel (X)
Local time: 21:18
French to English
+ ...
back to factory settings Aug 4, 2006

I have been talking to my computer supplier - he knows about runtime errors.
He thinks that, at this stage, the only solution is to save everything, and take the computer and operating system back to factory settings.
At the moment, I'm getting into Word by using the Start>Run command. See one of my previous posts. It's annoying, but well, a kind of solution.

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Membro (2003)
Polish to German
+ ...
You have to deinstall Office and install it back again Aug 4, 2006

But after you deinstall your Office you will have to remove all content from Office folders, rename (or bettere delete) those folders, than export and delete all registry entries regarding Office. Only then you will get a completly clean new install of Office.
A description how to do that may be found here (sorry, I know only a German site for that): www.officeprobleme.com

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But after you deinstall your Office you will have to remove all content from Office folders, rename (or bettere delete) those folders, than export and delete all registry entries regarding Office. Only then you will get a completly clean new install of Office.
A description how to do that may be found here (sorry, I know only a German site for that): www.officeprobleme.com

Kind regards

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Winword Exe Runtime Error

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