Trados won't save changes in target segments
Persoa que publicou o fío: RaghdaTrott
United States
Local time: 16:25
Arabic to English
+ ...
May 15, 2018


I have a huge issue that might potentially cost me a client: a while ago I was asked to translate a website using Trados Studio (mine is 2017). Since I had already translated similar content before, I used a combination of terms that already existed i my translation memory, along with Trados cloud MT. Once I got done with this step, I reviewed every single word against the original and made tons of changes. I made sure I saved each segment, as well as the entire file when done.<
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I have a huge issue that might potentially cost me a client: a while ago I was asked to translate a website using Trados Studio (mine is 2017). Since I had already translated similar content before, I used a combination of terms that already existed i my translation memory, along with Trados cloud MT. Once I got done with this step, I reviewed every single word against the original and made tons of changes. I made sure I saved each segment, as well as the entire file when done.
Today the agency was contacted by the client saying it was Google translation!!! I went ahead and looked through a couple of the files, and to my shock and horror I realised everything was reverted back to the machine translated version, as if it was not even reviewed at all, which is not the case.

Anybody had this happen before? if so, how did: A) explain it to your client (what evidence did you present)? AND B) How did you fix the problem?


MollyRose  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:25
English to Spanish
+ ...
How did you send the file to the agency? May 15, 2018

In Trados, or did you save the target as Word (or whatever) or pdf?


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Trados won't save changes in target segments

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