Persoa que publicou o fío: sylvie malich (X)
sylvie malich (X)
sylvie malich (X)
Local time: 02:34
German to English
Aug 28, 2003

ProZ support has been alerted!

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:34
English to German
+ ...
That should be standard procedure anyway Aug 28, 2003

Hi Sylvie,
I'm not 100% sure as to the motivation for your posting - the very reason why there is a direct link to the corresponding BB entry is to give members the opportunity to check the entries prior to bidding, or accepting a job.

I note the absence of a comment from yourself, though. If you have first-hand experience in working for this outsourcer, why not share it with others? support has been alerted!

I take it you submitted a support request - may I suggest contacting the Jobs Area coordinators if direct action is required.

Best regards, Ralf

Catherine GRILL
Catherine GRILL
Local time: 02:34
French to German
guter Tipp Aug 28, 2003

besten Dank für diesen Tipp, als Neuling sehr hilfsreich!!

Robert INGLEDEW  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:34
English to Spanish
+ ...
I was fooled by an Agency, in spite of having checked the blue board Aug 28, 2003

Don´t get me wrong. The system is excellent, and will save you from being fooled in 90% of the cases.

But when translators DO NOT UPTDATE their rating... anything can happen.

I did a 1224 Dollar project for an Agency. They had been rated with a 5... but the translator who had rated them was fooled with her third translation, and did not update the rating, nor say anything...

So, by all means, PLEASE update your ratings if your opinion of the Agency has c
... See more
Don´t get me wrong. The system is excellent, and will save you from being fooled in 90% of the cases.

But when translators DO NOT UPTDATE their rating... anything can happen.

I did a 1224 Dollar project for an Agency. They had been rated with a 5... but the translator who had rated them was fooled with her third translation, and did not update the rating, nor say anything...

So, by all means, PLEASE update your ratings if your opinion of the Agency has changed, for good or for bad.

Robert Ingledew

sylvie malich (X)
sylvie malich (X)
Local time: 02:34
German to English
Update Aug 29, 2003

Dear Ones,

Personally I have had no dealings with this agency. After getting the job notice and clicking on the BB I thought it would be appropriately suitable to alert all translators as well as notifying ProZ support before somebody gets hurt. (There was talk in a recent forum posting about deleting postings from agencies who had earned 3 or more "ones".)

This feeling of community and responsibility was my "motivation." I didn't think a comment was necessary and I pur
... See more
Dear Ones,

Personally I have had no dealings with this agency. After getting the job notice and clicking on the BB I thought it would be appropriately suitable to alert all translators as well as notifying ProZ support before somebody gets hurt. (There was talk in a recent forum posting about deleting postings from agencies who had earned 3 or more "ones".)

This feeling of community and responsibility was my "motivation." I didn't think a comment was necessary and I purposely observed the rule of using discression, allowing the translator to draw their own conclusions. (I had been helped by a similar action made by a community member in the past and was able to withdraw a bid with a few appropriate words myself.)

The job posting has since been deleted and I was thanked for writing. I was unaware of Jobs Area Coordinators when I was looking for the appropriate link. (I clicked on "support," "team" wasn't obvious enough (c: )

I agree whole heartedly that if one has had a bad experience with an agency the least they can do is to report it on the BB as a community service to others.


gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:34
Membro (2001)
English to Italian
+ ...
What to do in case of non payment Aug 29, 2003

sylvie malich wrote:
... After getting the job notice and clicking on the BB I thought it would be appropriately suitable to alert all translators as well as notifying ProZ support before somebody gets hurt. (There was talk in a recent forum posting about deleting postings from agencies who had earned 3 or more "ones".)

Thank you for your alert, and for attracting the attention on the BlueBoard as a cooperation tool.

I believe that many translators check routinely the Blue Board before answering to a job offer, and we have noticed that bad reviews elicit a very low response to the job offer.
In this sense the Blue Board is doing its job...

About the 3 low rates, the impression that you are transmitting is not entirely correct.
The site cannot take any action simply on the basis of some low ratings, even if they are 3 or more, as they are simply the expression of a personal opinion, namely they express the willingness of a translator to work again for a particular agency.
We, as site moderators, keep an eye on agencies that receive routinely bad ratings and read the comments, but we need much more than a few low ratings to take any further action.

As ProZ members, after having delivered a job with the required quality and at the required time, experience a non payment from an agency, you have the option to contact the Site staff or the Jobs area moderators and to produce evidence.
The site may take action, if the case is appropriately documented.

We normally need at least two independent cases with all the evidence (purchase order, invoice, dates, email messages exchanged, etc...) and if the agency is not paying it may be banned from offering any further Jobs in

sylvie malich wrote:

I was unaware of Jobs Area Coordinators when I was looking for the appropriate link. (I clicked on "support," "team" wasn't obvious enough (c: )

I agree whole heartedly that if one has had a bad experience with an agency the least they can do is to report it on the BB as a community service to others.

Yes, please, post a rating for all your experiences, bad or good!! You will help your colleagues and profit from their shared experiences.

In case of non payment, go to: Jobs > Help > Team
and contact from there the Jobs Area Coordinators. The direct link is:

Be prepared to support your complaint with a declaration that your work was adequate in quality and delivered in time, and to produce the following documents:

  • chronological summary of the events
  • purchase order received from the customer
  • copy of the invoice issued after completing your work
  • details of the payments not received
  • any relevant email exchanges
  • any other factual information useful to make your case

We also take action with less than two fully documented cases, when the outsourcer is known for having used different names, or having been banned in the past or in any case when the situation appears to deserve a swifter action.

The site aims at being a workplace where trust and best business practices are the norm, and dishonest members are not tolerated.


[Edited at 2003-08-29 16:19]

José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:34
English to Spanish
+ ...
Updating helps but so does sending a couple emails... Aug 29, 2003

Robert INGLEDEW wrote:

Don´t get me wrong. The system is excellent, and will save you from being fooled in 90% of the cases.

But when translators DO NOT UPTDATE their rating... anything can happen.

I did a 1224 Dollar project for an Agency. They had been rated with a 5... but the translator who had rated them was fooled with her third translation, and did not update the rating, nor say anything...

So, by all means, PLEASE update your ratings if your opinion of the Agency has changed, for good or for bad.

Robert Ingledew

Hallo Roberto,

Thank you for the reminder to all of us.

Another tip which I have used a couple times: contact directly those who have posted remarks, even if they are good remarks. "Speaking" to those who have worked for a client gives one a precise idea...




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