A "non-profit' organization, really?
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Sep 19, 2003

There's this offer to provide free translation for a non-profit organization, with a ProZ link to the name of the organization, a ProZ link to the name of the person making the request and a Web site address. Now, the Web site is empty as are both ProZ links. The "sample" consists of a list of headers for a spreadsheet.

I tend to believe this is not a request from a bona fide non-profit organization. Am I mistaken?

Have a very nice day!

gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:19
Membro (2001)
English to Italian
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We are considering some improvements Sep 19, 2003

Esther Pfeffer wrote:
I tend to believe this is not a request from a bona fide non-profit organization. Am I mistaken?

Dear Esther,
the site (staff and moderators) doesn't know if all jobs posted as 'non profit' are bona fide or not.

The Jobs area is intended to put in contact outsourcers and vendors, to find the agreement terms for their business relationship, and the site does not interfere at all.
In short, it is up to you to believe a job offer or not, in all its terms, including when it is posted as 'non profit'.

In any case, because we have noted a number of occasions where 'non profit' jobs were quite clearly commercial jobs, we are considering a slight change in the job posting form.
It is possible that the outsourcers will be required to specify the organization that will benefit from the job, and asked to make this information available.
We hope to add transparency to their postings, so that the translators can better evaluate if they want to donate their service at a reduced rate, entirely 'pro bono' or not to accept.

We hope to improve soon this particular detail of the Jobs area.
Thank you for your reminder


[Edited at 2003-09-19 19:24]

Vladimir Dubisskiy
Vladimir Dubisskiy
United States
Local time: 19:19
Membro (2001)
English to Russian
+ ...
the general issue - why non-profits have to get free translations? Sep 20, 2003

I have some experience in the non-profit world and even got some education in the field of non-profit management. Here in North America non-profits have funds and capacities which quite often exceed capabilties of "simple businesses". Besides, and there is no secret in it, many non-profits are capable to allocate certain amount of their funds to cover administrative / office maintenance / other expenses... What i want to say - I do not think that for any non-profit there is any problem to cover ... See more
I have some experience in the non-profit world and even got some education in the field of non-profit management. Here in North America non-profits have funds and capacities which quite often exceed capabilties of "simple businesses". Besides, and there is no secret in it, many non-profits are capable to allocate certain amount of their funds to cover administrative / office maintenance / other expenses... What i want to say - I do not think that for any non-profit there is any problem to cover the cost of small translation project.

[quote]Gianfranco Manca wrote:

Esther Pfeffer wrote:
I tend to believe this is not a request from a bona fide non-profit organization. Am I mistaken?

Giuliana Buscaglione
Giuliana Buscaglione  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
Membro (2001)
German to Italian
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most probably a real non-profit job Sep 20, 2003

Hi Esther,

I can't be 100% sure of course, but I tend to believe that the poster of the job you meant is a genuine non-profit.

There is a non-profit organization with that name and they do have a parallel working site (very same logo, please check).

As to non-profit jobs, I did a couple many many years ago, but not for free. I accepted to work for them for half of my normal rate. Vladimir is right, these organizations do have funds, but I don't know whether
... See more
Hi Esther,

I can't be 100% sure of course, but I tend to believe that the poster of the job you meant is a genuine non-profit.

There is a non-profit organization with that name and they do have a parallel working site (very same logo, please check).

As to non-profit jobs, I did a couple many many years ago, but not for free. I accepted to work for them for half of my normal rate. Vladimir is right, these organizations do have funds, but I don't know whether all of them have enough for all expences. It's up to us to accept or refuse, once we know for sure that the label non-profit really apply.

Jobs Area Coordinator

gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:19
Membro (2001)
English to Italian
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Transparency Sep 20, 2003

Vladimir Dubisskiy wrote:
Here in North America non-profits have funds and capacities which quite often exceed capabilties of "simple businesses". Besides, and there is no secret in it, many non-profits are capable to allocate certain amount of their funds to cover administrative / office maintenance / other expenses... What i want to say - I do not think that for any non-profit there is any problem to cover the cost of small translation project.

Hi Vladimir,
I agree, many charitable organizations are able to pay for all their costs, from administration to translations, but I did not say that we MUST necessarily donate our work.

My point was that we need more transparency, for example requesting and displaying the organization's name. The job posted will contain, hopefully, all other details, including if they are asking for a service at a normal rate, or a reduced rate from sympathetic translators or even for a pure donation (translating pro-bono).

Given the wide range of causes that can be considered charitable, or that have been posted as non-profit (and some were indeed questionable), we need more transparency, and each translator will be put in a better position to judge the situation.

In fact, I don't see why a non-profit organization, possibly asking for a special rate, should hide its name.


[Edited at 2003-09-20 08:16]

Ursula Peter-Czichi
Ursula Peter-Czichi  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:19
German to English
+ ...
"Non-Profit" organizations make lots of profits Sep 20, 2003

[quote]Vladimir Dubisskiy wrote:

I have some experience in the non-profit world and even got some education in the field of non-profit management. Here in North America non-profits have funds and capacities which quite often exceed capabilties of "simple businesses". Besides, and there is no secret in it, many non-profits are capable to allocate certain amount of their funds to cover administrative / office maintenance / other expenses... What i want to say - I do not think that for any non-profit there is any problem to cover the cost of small translation project.


Non-Profits make lots of profits - they just distribute their income differently. I have seen it in a (very famous university) hospital. Before "going non-profit", they carefully analyzed their gains from lowering their tax burden. You would not believe how the new status changed the ways salaries were paid to "connected" people!

Most non-profits do not donate their services but rather charge normal rates to their clients. Why would translators be the only people who do not think in terms of their interests. (Remember: The CEO of that non-profit organisation has probably put his wife, his children, his other relatives, in-laws and all his friends on the payroll. Of course, someone should be charitable...)

I wholeheartedly agree with Vladimir,

(who sometimes does work for free for a good cause)


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A "non-profit' organization, really?

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