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Poll: How do you handle large payment delays (over 6 weeks)
Persoa que publicou o fío: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jun 7, 2021

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How do you handle large payment delays (over 6 weeks)".

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Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:23
Membro (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Other Jun 7, 2021

I haven’t had a single non-payment issue for some time, but if I had I’d use a combination of the above, except for “Nothing” and “Contacting the end client”. My payment terms are 15 days for new clients and as agreed for my long-standing customers, which means that some very dear customers (4) pay the day after receiving my invoice, a few pay at 30 days, one pays at 45 days and another one has been paying at 60 days like clockwork. After a bad experience in 2005/2006, when I had to ... See more
I haven’t had a single non-payment issue for some time, but if I had I’d use a combination of the above, except for “Nothing” and “Contacting the end client”. My payment terms are 15 days for new clients and as agreed for my long-standing customers, which means that some very dear customers (4) pay the day after receiving my invoice, a few pay at 30 days, one pays at 45 days and another one has been paying at 60 days like clockwork. After a bad experience in 2005/2006, when I had to take a legal action against two clients, I haven’t had any serious problems because I have been working with the same customers (agencies and direct clients) for a long time and as a rule I never accept large projects from a new client, unless they are a well-established international organization.Collapse

Ana Vozone
Christine Andersen
Philip Lees
Antonio Leggieri
Ventnai  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:23
German to English
+ ...
A reminder Jun 7, 2021

I haven't had payment issues for some time. A reminder has usually been sufficient to date.

Liena Vijupe
Nikolay Novitskiy
Michael Harris
Philip Lees
Antonio Leggieri
Kamal Idkaidek
Kamal Idkaidek  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:23
Membro (2019)
Hebrew to English
+ ...
Poll: How do you handle large payment delays (over 6 weeks) Jun 7, 2021

I'm having such an issue, and the outsourcer isn't replying to my emails.

The person is listed in ProZ.

I'm thinking a combination would do better than only one way.

Then again, I'd like to know what you do when the client/agency deduct from your rate (The amount you receive is less due to transfer fees).

One more I'm experiencing is the agency wants vendors to share transfer fees.

Antonio Leggieri
Marjolein Snippe
Marjolein Snippe  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:23
Membro (2012)
English to Dutch
+ ...
Reminder Jun 7, 2021

So far, reminders have always worked for me.
I think that a negative review may work in some cases; in general, I would only do this if I am unwilling to work with the client again (i.e. I have the feeling they are deliberately delaying the payment), as it would strain the working relationship. I would always first notify the client that in x days I will be leaving a negative review if I have not received the payment.

Kamal Idkaidek wrote:
I'd like to know what you do when the client/agency deduct from your rate (The amount you receive is less due to transfer fees).

One more I'm experiencing is the agency wants vendors to share transfer fees.

This should have been agreed on before the translator takes on the job, but I have run into this once or twice. In reaction, I increase my rate for future jobs for these clients, so that the amount I receive is at least what I would expect to receive without these extra costs.

[Edited at 2021-06-07 09:41 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Nikolay Novitskiy
Kamal Idkaidek
Christopher Schröder
Philip Lees
Nikolay Novitskiy
Nikolay Novitskiy  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 03:23
Membro (2018)
English to Russian
A friendly reminder Jun 7, 2021

I had two cases of payment delay, and each time a single friendly reminder helped both of us to solve the misunderstanding. It's always a pleausure to work with people who take care of their reputation. From my side, I was happy to post a positive feedback on the BlueBoard after the issue has been solved.

Kamal Idkaidek
Edith van der Have
Edith van der Have
Local time: 00:23
Membro (2016)
English to Dutch
+ ...
Due diligence is the first step ... Jun 7, 2021

... by thoroughly checking the payment habits and company reputation of new clients, I've been able to avoid this nasty situation in virtually every instance. In the few cases where I had to deal with it, I sent several reminders, phoned them and if that wouldn't work (2 times so far), I either told them I'd contact a debt collection agency (direct client) or put a negative review on the Blue Board (translation agency). In both cases, payment was done instantly after that threat.

Paul van Zijll
Paul Lambert
Paul Lambert  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:23
Membro (2006)
Swedish to English
+ ...
I never make threats. Jun 7, 2021

I must make it clear at first that it is very rare that I need to chase after payment, for which I am thankful. Most of my clients have worked with me in the long term and they are typically good payers.

Typically, one reminder is necessary in those cases where a payment is late.

On only two occasions ever in 15 years did I ever have to get a collection agency after a client. I only did this because my reminders and e-mails had just gone ignored altogether. There was no
... See more
I must make it clear at first that it is very rare that I need to chase after payment, for which I am thankful. Most of my clients have worked with me in the long term and they are typically good payers.

Typically, one reminder is necessary in those cases where a payment is late.

On only two occasions ever in 15 years did I ever have to get a collection agency after a client. I only did this because my reminders and e-mails had just gone ignored altogether. There was not point in warning the client. I just sold his invoice to a collection agency, and then the price to the client rose by about 20%.

Aline Amorim
Aline Amorim  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:23
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Only payment reminders Jun 7, 2021

Unfortunately events happen, I would like you to confirm that the payment of the attached invoice has already been made.
I still haven't noted that into my account. Could you please check it out?

Kamal Idkaidek
Bajram Djambazi
Local time: 00:23
Spanish to English
+ ...
Other Jun 7, 2021

Usually, nothing. I really only work with one or two agencies nowadays, one pays at 30 days after delivery of the work, and the other, which has a bad Blue Board rating, pays at 90 days or even later, but I know that they will pay up in the end.

Apart from that, my best client pays me every month, and the rest pay whenever they can get it together. On rare occasions I might send a reminder, just in case the invoice did not reach its destination, or whatever. But not usually.

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:23
Membro (2014)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
A combination Jun 7, 2021

1. First reminder (two days late)
2. Second reminder (1 week late)
3. Third reminder stating I'm making an entry on the Blue Board in 24 hours (this is usually efficient).
4. Negative rating in the Blue Board and request for ProZ to intervene (very effective, too).
5. Threaten to sue them. Only happened twice. Once I got paid, once I actually sued the agency, and also got paid.

Josephine Cassar
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:23
Membro (2003)
Danish to English
+ ...
Other Jun 7, 2021

I do not remember ever having a delay as long as six weeks!

I am lucky - firstly I normally only do small jobs, or if I do take on a book or a large job, I know and trust the client, and I have sometimes agreed on payment by instalments. They have always paid as agreed.

Secondly, most of my clients are easily traced, so a friendly reminder is usually enough, and if not, a firmer reminder works. I send the first reminder a week after payment was due, and the second one,
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I do not remember ever having a delay as long as six weeks!

I am lucky - firstly I normally only do small jobs, or if I do take on a book or a large job, I know and trust the client, and I have sometimes agreed on payment by instalments. They have always paid as agreed.

Secondly, most of my clients are easily traced, so a friendly reminder is usually enough, and if not, a firmer reminder works. I send the first reminder a week after payment was due, and the second one, if necessary, a week later.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Josephine Cassar
Philip Lees
Philip Lees
Philip Lees  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:23
Greek to English
Who waits six weeks? Jun 8, 2021

I don't. Within the first few days after a payment deadline has passed I send a reminder. Usually that solves the problem. If not, I send a second, stronger reminder after another week, warning that I will mark it as a delinquent payment and make an entry on the Blue Board. So far, nothing else has been necessary.

If I have repeated payment problems, I drop the client and tell them why I'm doing it.

I can't imagine letting it drag on for as long as six weeks without doi
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I don't. Within the first few days after a payment deadline has passed I send a reminder. Usually that solves the problem. If not, I send a second, stronger reminder after another week, warning that I will mark it as a delinquent payment and make an entry on the Blue Board. So far, nothing else has been necessary.

If I have repeated payment problems, I drop the client and tell them why I'm doing it.

I can't imagine letting it drag on for as long as six weeks without doing anything.

Christine Andersen
Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:23
Membro (2003)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Reminder Jun 8, 2021

It´s been a long time since I´ve had any real payment issues. All of my customers are good ones.

If payment is late it is usually a bureaucratic problem more than anything. It could be an unsent internal email, an invoice that didn´t get into the system, etc.

When I was just starting out I was hired by a new customer that was going out of business but didn´t tell me. They kept avoiding me until I got them to write me a post-dated check, which eventually bounced. Mon
... See more
It´s been a long time since I´ve had any real payment issues. All of my customers are good ones.

If payment is late it is usually a bureaucratic problem more than anything. It could be an unsent internal email, an invoice that didn´t get into the system, etc.

When I was just starting out I was hired by a new customer that was going out of business but didn´t tell me. They kept avoiding me until I got them to write me a post-dated check, which eventually bounced. Months later their accountant contacts me and offers me 40% of the bill to settle. I was offended, but accepted it anyway. I know now I was lucky to get anything.

Agneta Pallinder
Agneta Pallinder  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 23:23
Membro (2014)
Swedish to English
+ ...
Don't wait six weeks! Jun 8, 2021

If a payment becomes overdue more than a few days I would send a reminder to the paying department.

If no result from this I would enlist the help of the project manager I had dealt with for the project.

So far these two steps have always worked.

Christine Andersen
Edward Potter
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Poll: How do you handle large payment delays (over 6 weeks)

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