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Poll: Have you ever had to submit your passport as part of onboarding for a client?
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ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Aug 4, 2022

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever had to submit your passport as part of onboarding for a client?".

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Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:44
Membro (2012)
English to Danish
+ ...
Yes Aug 4, 2022

Well, a scan of the page with the vital info.
I did not like it at all.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:44
Membro (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Yes Aug 4, 2022

When you enter in a Consultant Contract with the UN or a Translation Contract with the EC you have to fill in your ID data (not necessarily a passport). Other potential clients have also asked for some form of identification but this has been a very rare occurrence.

Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:44
English to Turkish
Criminal record Aug 4, 2022

I was asked to provide a copy of my ID card, but not my passport (I don't have a valid one anyway).
Recently a translation agency asked me to submit my criminal record (in Turkish) along with a number of other documents (including two different proofs of address), references etc. and then they offered me 4 cents per word... I wish I'd negotiated the rates before sending them all that info.
What's this obsession with 'criminal records' that British agencies seem to have?
Btw i
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I was asked to provide a copy of my ID card, but not my passport (I don't have a valid one anyway).
Recently a translation agency asked me to submit my criminal record (in Turkish) along with a number of other documents (including two different proofs of address), references etc. and then they offered me 4 cents per word... I wish I'd negotiated the rates before sending them all that info.
What's this obsession with 'criminal records' that British agencies seem to have?
Btw it recently occurred to me that freelance translation could be one of the few jobs where your criminal history may not have any bearing on your employment prospects. You might be a convicted murderer, but start working as a translator after getting released, but you can't get employed as a forklift driver if you have done time. Interesting...

Ventnai  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:44
German to English
+ ...
Submitted Aug 4, 2022

I submitted mine to a client but they did not like the fact that the name on my degree certificate was different to the name on my passport - the Spanish authorities require you to take on your mother's maiden surname in addition to your father's when you take Spanish nationality. In my case, I also had to drop one of my two middle names.

Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
United Kingdom
Membro (2011)
Swedish to English
+ ...
No Aug 4, 2022

No. Surely it's what you do that matters, not who you are?

Baran Keki wrote:
What's this obsession with 'criminal records' that British agencies seem to have?
Btw it recently occurred to me that freelance translation could be one of the few jobs where your criminal history may not have any bearing on your employment prospects. You might be a convicted murderer, but start working as a translator after getting released, but you can't get employed as a forklift driver if you have done time. Interesting...

To check you don't have a history of insider dealing or selling confidential information? I could've made a mint from that.

Baran Keki
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:44
Membro (2008)
Italian to English
Never Aug 4, 2022

I would never work for anyone who described my joining their organisation as "onboarding". I don't trust people who talk like that.

[Edited at 2022-08-04 11:11 GMT]

Jennifer Levey
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
James Swan
Angie Garbarino
Bernhard Sulzer
Alexandra Speirs
Paulo Melo
Paulo Melo  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Driver's license Aug 4, 2022

Passport or ID was requested, so I provided my driver's license.

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:44
French to English
. Aug 4, 2022

No I haven't and I would seriously ask why if an agency asked me.

I prefer clients who are interested in my approach to translation.

Barbara Carrara
Christine Andersen
María José Domínguez Camba
Rita Utt
Rita Utt  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:44
English to German
+ ...
We had a scam here Aug 4, 2022

people asking for interpreters (the mission already sounded fishy and made no sens).
When a collegue applied anyway, they wanted above all good copies of her passport. I would definitely not send them.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:44
Membro (2009)
English to German
+ ...
A few times Aug 4, 2022

I was asked a few times to provide my ID and/or passport. I submitted a copy once, of course with all sensitive information, e.g. passport number, issuing agency, etc, blackened in a password protected PDF that allowed neither changes nor printing. It took a couple of days before I was then asked to provide a printable copy of it. Needless to say that this person never received a reply, let alone the desired copy.

Since then I don't even bother to reply to such request. If a custome
... See more
I was asked a few times to provide my ID and/or passport. I submitted a copy once, of course with all sensitive information, e.g. passport number, issuing agency, etc, blackened in a password protected PDF that allowed neither changes nor printing. It took a couple of days before I was then asked to provide a printable copy of it. Needless to say that this person never received a reply, let alone the desired copy.

Since then I don't even bother to reply to such request. If a customer needs verification of my identity, then they are welcome to check my tax number on my first invoice. After all, the potential customer doesn't send me a copy of her/his passport. There is simply no sense in attempting a working relationship with someone when the basic foundation - trust - is missing.

Christine Andersen
María José Domínguez Camba
Kamal Idkaidek
Kamal Idkaidek  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:44
Membro (2019)
Hebrew to English
+ ...
Copy of passport Aug 4, 2022

I was asked by an agency to submit a copy of the passport.

The only think that was visible is my name and surname, the rest I redacted it.

Never from a direct client unless for some legal/official interpretation.

Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:44
Japanese to English
+ ...
submit passport Aug 5, 2022

I was asked once and made a strike-through on my photo. The agency asked me to provide a photo without the strike-through. Of course, I refused. Passports can be used for nefarious purposes.

Tom in London
Philip Lees
Philip Lees  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:44
Greek to English
Onboarding - not! Aug 5, 2022

If it is really necessary to use the word "onboarding" at all, it should only be used to refer to employees, as a simple web search will confirm.

Thus the phrase "onboarding for a client" is incorrect usage. Anybody who is a freelancer and acquires a new client is not an employee, so the term is not appropriate.

This is supposed to be a site for linguists. Can the people who post these polls not check their language and usage before posting?

Barbara Carrara
Tom in London
Iwona Budzynska MCIL
Iwona Budzynska MCIL
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:44
English to Polish
+ ...
Yes, of course Aug 5, 2022

Yes, to be able to work for institutions such as the Ministry of Justice and a few others. This is a part of the onboarding process and I am not surprised.

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Poll: Have you ever had to submit your passport as part of onboarding for a client?

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