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Poll: Have you purchased a CAT tool in the last 12 months?
Persoa que publicou o fío: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Feb 4, 2023

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you purchased a CAT tool in the last 12 months?".

View the poll results »

Anna Herasymchuk
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:44
Membro (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
No, I have no need Feb 4, 2023

I'm a


Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:44
English to Turkish
Just out of interest Feb 4, 2023

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida wrote:

I'm a


If I remember correctly, you said you were translating EU documents, don't you ever get files that contain repetitions, similar paragraphs with different names and dates etc.? Do you copy/paste stuff all the time? Haven't you ever considered that a translation memory (created by yourself) might be useful for translating similar texts? Or have you been getting different texts every time in your 40+ year career?

[Edited at 2023-02-04 09:44 GMT]

Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Local time: 21:44
Membro (2015)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
No. Feb 4, 2023

I have been using Trados Studio since 2008 and I always upgrade it to the latest versions. I have no need to have more CAT tools.
However, I would like to improve and develop my skills on Logiterm.

Stepan Konev
Christine Andersen
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:44
Membro (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
@Baran Feb 4, 2023

First of all, I used a CAT tool when I was working as staff translator and I hated it, most of all because of all the time wasted aligning documents (I know things evolved in the meanwhile). None of my regular long-standing clients require me to use CAT tools. I have a good client’s base and I’m well past retiring years, so as long as they are happy with my work, I’m glad to continue working. Of course, some potential new clients go away as soon as I say I don’t work with CAT tools, but ... See more
First of all, I used a CAT tool when I was working as staff translator and I hated it, most of all because of all the time wasted aligning documents (I know things evolved in the meanwhile). None of my regular long-standing clients require me to use CAT tools. I have a good client’s base and I’m well past retiring years, so as long as they are happy with my work, I’m glad to continue working. Of course, some potential new clients go away as soon as I say I don’t work with CAT tools, but I must also say that I had one or two new clients who came to me because they heard I don’t use CAT tools. In some cases, my customers (and some peers) send me an export file for me to revise. Anyway, most of the documents I translate have no repetitions except within themselves and over the years I developed my own method of dealing with those. The growing translation mechanization and automation worry me greatly. I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody. It's just my way…

A happy dinosaur

Baran Keki
Mónica Algazi
Natacha Faubert
Jean Shearer
Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:44
English to French
No Feb 4, 2023

Which is why every software maker wants me to believe that yearly subscriptions and SaaS variants have many more benefit$ than local installs.

Latest Trados upgrade Nov 2021
Cafetran May 2020
Latest MemoQ upgrade Feb 2013


Alex Lichanow
Alex Lichanow
Local time: 22:44
Membro (2020)
English to German
+ ...
No need Feb 4, 2023

With Trados Studio, I like to stick to the version I have until SDL/RWS stop supporting it or have a compelling promo on their latest version. I must admit, I did actually use one such compelling promo to upgrade to Studio 2021 early, though it was actually worth it because 2019 was technically inferior. I sure hope they will manage to fix Studio's horrible memory management by the next major update.
For the other locally installed CAT tools I use, my clients either assign server licenses
... See more
With Trados Studio, I like to stick to the version I have until SDL/RWS stop supporting it or have a compelling promo on their latest version. I must admit, I did actually use one such compelling promo to upgrade to Studio 2021 early, though it was actually worth it because 2019 was technically inferior. I sure hope they will manage to fix Studio's horrible memory management by the next major update.
For the other locally installed CAT tools I use, my clients either assign server licenses (memoQ) or send me an annual license key (WordFast), so I never spent a single cent on those.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:44
Membro (2008)
Italian to English
No Feb 4, 2023

ProZ.com Staff wrote:

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you purchased a CAT tool in the last 12 months?".

View the poll results »

No. Why are you asking?

Nikolay Novitskiy
Mónica Algazi
Stepan Konev
Lingua 5B
Nikolay Novitskiy
Nikolay Novitskiy  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 01:44
Membro (2018)
English to Russian
No Feb 4, 2023

No, OmegaT is the best and it's free.

And I will surely donate to them when PayPal becomes available once again.

Stepan Konev
Mónica Algazi
Mónica Algazi  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:44
Membro (2005)
English to Spanish
No Feb 4, 2023

If a CAT tool is required, I use the memoQ or TextUnited platforms provided by my regular clients. No need to purchase a licence.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 23:44
English to Russian
No, I can't Feb 4, 2023

One point is missing: No, cause I am banned from services

Baran Keki
Tom in London
Nikolay Novitskiy
Christopher Schröder
Metin Demirel
Jean Dimitriadis
Metin Demirel
Metin Demirel  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:44
Membro (2018)
Italian to Turkish
+ ...
I had to... Feb 4, 2023

buy MemoQ because a client recommended me to buy it with a discount offered specifically for their translators. Before that, I was using one of their licenses and I think it wasn't a convenient practice for them. I have not used it for any other client yet.

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:44
English to Czech
There is life without licenses and various permits Feb 5, 2023

Stepan Konev wrote:

One point is missing: No, cause I am banned from services

Stefan, you are forced to start using free open source software like OmegaT (or DGT-OmegaT), Okapiframework, OPUS-CAT and other software and services. I am retired and have been doing this for twenty years. I love it when dogs (MT engines/models) and cats (CATs) get along and live together. I have them at home and in my computers.


Nikolay Novitskiy
Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:44
French to English
. Feb 5, 2023

No, it's really not useful for the creative stuff I do.

Recently, I was translating a text for an artist's website, and suddenly remembered translating a sentence before. I went back to find that sentence: my previous translation was correct, but I had found a much better translation this time. I promptly changed the previous translation and sent this new version when I delivered the new text.

The client later wrote back, sending another batch of texts, and mentioned
... See more
No, it's really not useful for the creative stuff I do.

Recently, I was translating a text for an artist's website, and suddenly remembered translating a sentence before. I went back to find that sentence: my previous translation was correct, but I had found a much better translation this time. I promptly changed the previous translation and sent this new version when I delivered the new text.

The client later wrote back, sending another batch of texts, and mentioned that she'd talked with a translator who'd explained about CAT tools and how they can be useful in this kind of situation.

I wrote back explaining that had I used a CAT tool, it probably wouldn't have picked up the previous translation since the new sentence was only about 30% similar to the previous one. And had it picked it up, I'd have just used that previous sentence without wondering whether it could be improved upon. So my method was perhaps more laborious, but the result was that much better.

Also, dealing with all the document prep, going through QA dealing with finicky formatting problems caused by the CAT tool's tags, etc. is far too much hassle just to pick up one repeated sentence - this is the first time I have had a repetition after several years of working with this client.

Case closed.

Christopher Schröder
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Membro (2006)
German to Dutch
Trados 2022 Feb 5, 2023

Trados 2022, just to be sure that the compatibility with CafeTran Espresso hasn't been broken, and to be able to download GroupShare and WorldServer packages for translation in CafeTran Espresso.

SDLXLIFF is still leading with German machine builders, mostly via Schema ST4.

[Edited at 2023-02-06 08:07 GMT]

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Poll: Have you purchased a CAT tool in the last 12 months?

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