9,149 registrants

Marketing & Recruitment day

Sep 28, 2016

Conference recap


Date: Sep 28, 2016
Registrants: 9,149
Attendees: 4,711
Sessions: 11


Group discussion

General Chat

Time: 12:00 to 19:00

Diversification for Translators: Developing Multiple Income Streams

Time: 12:10 to 13:10

Tablet Interpreting: Tips, tools and applications to make the most of your tablet while interpreting

Time: 13:25 to 14:25

Panel discussion - what makes a great ProZ.com profile

Time: 14:35 to 15:25

ProZ.com Mobile: The translation workplace anytime, anywhere

Time: 15:45 to 16:15

What agencies are looking for when hiring and retaining interpreter talent

Time: 16:30 to 17:35

Translation industry around the Olympics

Time: 17:40 to 18:20

Find direct clients and run a business that you love

Time: 19:00 to 19:05

How to Sell More: Effective Sales Strategies for Translators and Interpreters

Time: 19:05 to 19:10

Understanding Your Client: Is Your Client Always Right?

Time: 19:15 to 19:20

10-tip survival kit for professional translators/interpreters

Time: 19:25 to 19:30

Conference feedback

Thank you for three days of very interesting, useful sessions, such a variety of topics and excellent lecturers. A real treasure for students like me!

Gisela Grosselfinger Vogel
Member since: Jun 30, 2020

Thanks so much for organizing this event, our Proz.com Angels! :-)
I really appreciate the fact that I don't need to travel a thousand miles and can do this from the comfort of my home office.
I found something interesting and useful in every one of the sessions. It was definitely worth participating. Next time you should charge us all a fee!!! :-)

Angela Greenfield
Member since: Nov 26, 2008

Very useful and helpful. amazing week event!

Veronica Pompolo (X)
Member since: Oct 3, 2016

Very useful and helpful. Translation, Interpreting and other tips related to are no longer a mystery.

Mardochée Tamafo
Member since: Jun 10, 2016

Awesome event I am very glade to join this Proz.com's virtual conference taking place from September 28 to 30th. A very useful and shocking.

Thank you!

I appreciate the opportunity to access the recording of the sessions and watch them at a convenient time, since my time zone was not ideal for following and actively participating. The chats were probably already past peak time when I joined. I hope to be able to follow one of the live sessions on Saturday.

Elena Woontner (X)
Member since: Nov 7, 2002

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Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
18:52 Dec 18, 2015 Julien BUFFY: 1468901 All No es ilegal
18:52 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All Yo tengo PayPal, pero lo que cobro allí lo uso para comprarme cosas que no necesito
18:52 Dec 18, 2015 Julien BUFFY: 1468901 All al menos no como monotribustista
18:52 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All Buena pregunta, Lucía. Supongo que si la declarás, la AFIP te controla
18:52 Dec 18, 2015 Ines Garcia Botana: 46506 All Implicancia legal? Ellos se encargan de que acá nadie lo sepa, no te preocupes, saben con qué bueyes aran.
18:52 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All Jajajaja, hago lo mismo, Lucía.
18:52 Dec 18, 2015 Julien BUFFY: 1468901 All si declaras todo al Afip
18:52 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All Paypal sirve también para pagar algunas licencias de soft ;)
18:53 Dec 18, 2015 Ines Garcia Botana: 46506 All declararla a la AFIP? PERDÓN??? :-)
18:53 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All Que bueno que no soy la única! Me sentía medio tonta haciendolo.
18:53 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All Quedaron como mil cosas mías en la aduana porque ni loca te hago horas de cola para retirarlas.
18:53 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All Sí, algo me dice que la mayoría no declararía una cuenta en el exterior ante la AFIP
18:53 Dec 18, 2015 Julien BUFFY: 1468901 All no sé si hace falta
18:54 Dec 18, 2015 Julien BUFFY: 1468901 All bueno tengo la "suerte" de no ser Argentino
18:54 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All Por las dudas no preguntemos! jajajajaja
18:54 Dec 18, 2015 Julien BUFFY: 1468901 All (suerte en este caso)
18:54 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All Lucía, eso está bien si no tenés la necesidad de esa plata para vivir...
18:54 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All Claro
18:54 Dec 18, 2015 Val Alija: 2153318 All pero si me pagan x paypal, puedp sacar la plata??
18:54 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All No es mi caso
18:54 Dec 18, 2015 Val Alija: 2153318 All o solo puedo usarla para pagar otra cosa?
18:55 Dec 18, 2015 Julien BUFFY: 1468901 All por paypal, hay que conectar con una cuenta de EEUU y pasar por payoneer
18:55 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All Yo trato de evitar PayPal a tods costa ya porque sin poder sacar el dinero es casi como si no trabajara
18:55 Dec 18, 2015 Julien BUFFY: 1468901 All con payoneer, pueden sacar plata de paypal sin tener cuenta
18:55 Dec 18, 2015 Val Alija: 2153318 All claaro