Anybody encountered such MTPE jobs?
Persoa que publicou o fío: Asset Orymbayev
Asset Orymbayev
Asset Orymbayev  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
English to Kazakh
+ ...
Mar 12

Recently, I noticed jobs where you're told that job is MTPE.
But it has fuzzy matches in it. Client says that they will pay
10% or more for fuzzy. When I say that fuzzy is not from
MT and should be paid as 0,02 USD/word, they don't agree.
I think this very bad practice which is an attempt to pay very
low price.
Who else encountered such situation and what did you do?

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 19:22
English to Russian
Fuzzy matches not from MT? Mar 12

Can you please elaborate on this? What do you mean by fuzzy matches from MT and fuzzy matches not from MT? Only a TM can give some fuzzy matches. MT engines create their content from scratch, there can't be any matches.
However, basically, if you can't reach agreement with your client, just turn their job down. $0.02 per word is not the price to discuss discounts.

Jorge Payan
Philip Lees
Marijke Singer
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Dalia Nour
Asset Orymbayev
Asset Orymbayev  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
English to Kazakh
+ ...
More about this job Mar 13

I received a job. It is 800 new words (MT applied) + about 400 words fuzzy matches.
They call it MTPE and want to pay 0.02 for 800 new words.
But for 400 fuzzy match words they want to pay 25% of 0.02.
I rejected that part. So today they want to pay for all.

I think in future projects I'll reject that rate fo MTPE, because
I have access to MT, why I need someone to insert it for me?

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:22
Membro (2009)
English to German
+ ...
fuzzies in MTPE projects Mar 13

Fuzzy matches are possible in long-term MTPE projects with a dedicated TM (translation memory), but in these cases you work in an MT tool with that TM attached and see the matches with their scores. Anyone can put text into Google Translate and then claim that there are fuzzies.

Muhammad Nejati
Muhammad Nejati
English to Persian (Farsi)
+ ...
Fuzzy and repeated words Mar 13

I myself have encountered the same problem time and again and as I work commonly work with some stubborn and inflexible third-hand clients they refuse to change it. In my experience they overwhelmingly refuse to make any raise in the rates, so if its such an significant issue, it's better in my mind to look for better clients in this respect amongst some other solutions...

James Salter
Asset Orymbayev
Asset Orymbayev  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
English to Kazakh
+ ...
re: Mar 13

That's right, easy to say it's fuzzy and lower price))

Joakim Braun
Joakim Braun  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:22
German to Swedish
+ ...
Refuse the job, or nothing will change Mar 13

As simple as that.

Yvonne Gallagher
Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:22
Membro (2009)
English to German
+ ...
MTPE jobs Mar 13

Can only be charged by the hour. Charge your hourly rate and just forget about fuzzy or no matches. If your client insist on those matches, then just "edit" 10% of them. Very unprofessional, I know, but is trying to cheat translators out of what they're earning per hour of their time, not pretty much the same? The best way to practice fairness when it comes to MTPE jobs is to refuse them.

Asset Orymbayev
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:22
Membro (2005)
English to Japanese
+ ...
Not true Mar 16

Thayenga wrote:

Can only be charged by the hour.

I charge by the number of source words just like a translation job, and this is possible because my clients accept this.

Angie Garbarino
Lieven Malaise
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 18:22
Membro (2020)
French to Dutch
+ ...
Obviously Mar 16

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:
I charge by the number of source words just like a translation job, and this is possible because my clients accept this.

Of course. It's perfectly possible to charge by the word. The only thing you have to keep an eye on is that your word rate reflects your hourly rate.

If you are looking for a way to be outcompeted fast, then charge MTPE by the hour. There's no difference with charging conventional translation by the hour : good luck with that.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:22
Membro (2005)
English to Japanese
+ ...
Lucky so far Mar 16

Lieven Malaise wrote:

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:
I charge by the number of source words just like a translation job, and this is possible because my clients accept this.

Of course. It's perfectly possible to charge by the word. The only thing you have to keep an eye on is that your word rate reflects your hourly rate.

If you are looking for a way to be outcompeted fast, then charge MTPE by the hour. There's no difference with charging conventional translation by the hour : good luck with that.

I can earn much more by charging by the source word than an hourly rate, unless I charge at least 100~120 Euros/hour which I'm not sure if my clients would accept.

I have been fortunate that the MTPE jobs I have done so far are up to standard or above standard where I don't have to re-translate them from scratch. If I charge an hourly rate, I know that my income would definitely decline working for the same amount of words.

Dan Lucas
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:22
Membro (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
Internal fuzzies? Mar 17

Asset Orymbayev wrote:
It is 800 new words (MT applied) + about 400 words fuzzy matches.
They call it MTPE and want to pay 0.02 for 800 new words.
But for 400 fuzzy match words they want to pay 25% of 0.02.

Perhaps these "fuzzies" are internal fuzzy repetitions, and clients who demand discounts for such segments would naturally feel that such segments deserve an extra discount. Were the fuzzy segments pre-populated?


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Anybody encountered such MTPE jobs?

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