Machine Translation
Persoa que publicou o fío: Yves Bourjolly
Yves Bourjolly
Yves Bourjolly  Identity Verified
United States
English to French
+ ...
Oct 10, 2018

I want to know if translation agencies accept Machine Translation even if post-edited.

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
DZiW (X)
DZiW (X)
English to Russian
+ ...
MT Oct 10, 2018

Everything (including MT) is not that bad if used properly and wisely: it's no secret even Google Translate may give quicker and more sensible translation compared to wanna-be translators
Many experienced translators successfully use MT as a prompter or a typist.

One should tell PEMT with the original and without one. However, when it comes to greedy clients, abusing "discounts", "best rates", and MT, the situation turns worse, shifting and dumping
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Everything (including MT) is not that bad if used properly and wisely: it's no secret even Google Translate may give quicker and more sensible translation compared to wanna-be translators
Many experienced translators successfully use MT as a prompter or a typist.

One should tell PEMT with the original and without one. However, when it comes to greedy clients, abusing "discounts", "best rates", and MT, the situation turns worse, shifting and dumping the translation market. On the one hand, clients and agencies prefer paying less for PEMT, yet it always comes at the expense of quality, of course. Who finally wins?

As for PEMT thin dime payment... Why, there're even people who pay for schemes and illegal goods and services

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
…No? Oct 10, 2018

I want to know if translation agencies accept Machine Translation even if post-edited.

- In English, the phrasing "even if post-edited" would imply post-edited MT output is of lower quality than raw MT output… Is this *even* possible? I guess it is, if the translators introduce more errors than they correct. But that would take the cake.

- For a translator, delivering unedited general purpose MT output would be considered unacceptable and highly unprofessiona
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I want to know if translation agencies accept Machine Translation even if post-edited.

- In English, the phrasing "even if post-edited" would imply post-edited MT output is of lower quality than raw MT output… Is this *even* possible? I guess it is, if the translators introduce more errors than they correct. But that would take the cake.

- For a translator, delivering unedited general purpose MT output would be considered unacceptable and highly unprofessional, let alone result in subpar quality, unfit for purpose, good for little more than gisting.

- Several agencies require signing NDAs or agreements that may prohibit the use of MT.

- If this is not the case, using MT suggestions as one of the many available resources (TMs, glossaries, concordancers, etc.) is the translators own prerogative. What matters is that the delivered quality meets (or exceeds) agreed quality expectations. Using MT as a mere resource is NOT post-editing, although full post-editing may achieve an output comparable to human translation (only in non creative fields). At least this is what its intended goal is.

Generally though, what translators strive to achieve, is stay away from producing "translationese". Even more so, they try to avoid that their readers think "Hey, this sounds like it's straight out of Google Translate". Overly relying on MT doesn't help in that regard. Doesn't it figure?

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
Membro (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Yves Oct 10, 2018

Yves Bourjolly wrote:
I want to know if translation agencies accept Machine Translation even if post-edited.

1. I can't think of any reason why any agency would want to accept machine translation if it wasn't edited in some way or another. (-: But I think I know what you meant.

2. The term "post-edit" refers to a specific type of editing that tries to make as few changes to the machine translation as possible. If you're going to use machine translation for a translation that you're delivering to an agency, I would recommend that you edit it normally (i.e. feel free to change
parts that would otherwise not have been considered an error).

3. I think you're trying to ask if it is okay to use machine translation during the translation process for translations that you deliver to agencies. The answer is: yes, if you believe that you're not violating any agreements with the client. You are still responsible for the final translation quality, however. If an error occurs in the translation, then the error is *your fault*.

Jean Dimitriadis wrote:
In English, the phrasing "even if post-edited" would imply post-edited MT output is of lower quality than raw MT output…

I agree with that interpretation of Yves' post. However, English is not Yves' native language, and I think he meant what we all think he meant. (-:

[Edited at 2018-10-10 20:40 GMT]

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
Native Oct 10, 2018

Samuel Murray wrote:

I agree with that interpretation of Yves' post. However, English is not Yves' native language, and I think he meant what we all think he meant.

Apologies if that is so, the language pair listed in the profile led me to believe otherwise...

Jorge Payan
Rebecca Davis
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:32
Serbian to English
+ ...
WHY would they? Oct 10, 2018

Yves Bourjolly wrote:

I want to know if translation agencies accept Machine Translation even if post-edited.

Let's try to figure out the implied elements of your question.

If they could get away with it, most agencies would happily charge clients for delivering Google Translate offerings.

But that scenario wouldn't involve you at all, so you probably had something else in mind.

Did you mean to ask:

I want to know if translation agencies [would] accept me delivering to them Machine Translated text [that they have given me to translate], and would they refuse MT "translation" coming from me even if I took the trouble to post-edit the MT output before delivering "my" translation?

If that was your question, there is only one possible answer: WHY would they?

Or you had something else in mind? What exactly?

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:32
English to Thai
+ ...
MatCAT Oct 11, 2018

Yves Bourjolly wrote:

I want to know if translation agencies accept Machine Translation even if post-edited.

One Italian translation agency demands me to post-edit translation in MatCAT as a requirement to submit the translation from many language e. g. Italian, English, French.

Soonthon L.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
Membro (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
Most agencies are actually honest, I believe Oct 11, 2018

Daryo wrote:
If they could get away with it, most agencies would happily charge clients for delivering Google Translate offerings.

I don't think that that is true. It's true that most agencies would want to get their translations as cheaply as possible and sell them as dearly as possible, but most agencies (and most translators) are broadly honest and know that delivering high-quality translations is best for business.

United States
Local time: 16:32
English to Finnish
+ ...
use? Oct 11, 2018

If a translation company tells you that you cannot "use" MT, you should ask for an unequivocal definition for the word "use". If they answer at all, you probably get a half-page convoluted text, written by a lawyer, who most likely has no clue of what MT can do.

Daniel Frisano
Daniel Frisano  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
Membro (2008)
English to Italian
+ ...
Yes. Maybe not knowingly, but yes. Oct 12, 2018

I want to know if translation agencies accept Machine Translation even if post-edited.

Yes, they do, mainly because they can't really tell the difference.

I have seen horrible human work accepted and paid by agencies, including from self-proclaimed experts, that was worse than MT and with the same unmistakable stench of word-by-word parsing that you can't remove with any amount of post-editing short of rewriting everything anew.

In many cases agencies are defenseless against this kind of... not really a fraud, but shall we call it "bending ethical rules"?

Michele Fauble
Kaspars Melkis
Paweł Hamerski (X)
Paweł Hamerski (X)
Local time: 22:32
English to Polish
+ ...
The author keeps silent so I cannot ask him a few basic questions Oct 12, 2018

like why do you ask?

Yves Bourjolly
Yves Bourjolly  Identity Verified
United States
English to French
+ ...
Machine Translation Oct 12, 2018

I understand that MT may help provided it is used wisely since quality is what matters. Thank you for your various comments.

United Kingdom
Local time: 21:32
Serbian to English
+ ...
That's not what you have asked Oct 14, 2018

Yves Bourjolly wrote:

I understand that MT may help provided it is used wisely since quality is what matters. Thank you for your various comments.

yes, sounds like a sensible conclusion, but what is the connection with your question?
Which remains unclear - what did you ask exactly and why?


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Machine Translation

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