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Looking for a good online CAT Tool
Persoa que publicou o fío: Esther Levy
Esther Levy
Esther Levy  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
English to French
+ ...
Nov 14, 2018

Hi everybody,

Long time no see on Proz, but it was only for the good cause, I've been swamped!

One of my clients has been trying to improve their organization and chose to switch from Google Docs to an online CAT Tool. So we've been using SmartCAT for a few months now, but we're really not satisfied with it (many missing features, bugs, a complicated learning process, an inextricable project dashboard and manager...). After many complaints from all users, including the
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Hi everybody,

Long time no see on Proz, but it was only for the good cause, I've been swamped!

One of my clients has been trying to improve their organization and chose to switch from Google Docs to an online CAT Tool. So we've been using SmartCAT for a few months now, but we're really not satisfied with it (many missing features, bugs, a complicated learning process, an inextricable project dashboard and manager...). After many complaints from all users, including the managers themselves, he's asked me to have a look at the available tools.

Basically, we're working with 4 different languages (including Japanese), the translators and editors/proofreaders work either on Mac or Windows, which is why we need an online tool. I'm not even sure the other translators use any CAT Tool at all, but I certainly know that my proofreader doesn't and the client had never seen a CAT tool before SmartCAT. So we would need an online tool that :

- everyone can learn very fast, since our project deadline is always yesterday (everyday) and some users don't have a clue about CAT Tools
- can handle languages separately (as a French translator, I don't care about the German or Spanish projects)
- can let us translators upload our TMs (tmx or csv basically)
- can handle large projects with automatic full pre-translation (SmartCat only searches in the TM when one clicks on the segment, and we can only switch segments by clicking on each one, annoying when you have 500 segments...)
- allows for searching in the TM
- can handle segment switching easily
- has the ability to confirm all segments at once
- lets the translator change a pre-translated segment without applying the change to all matching segments within the project (SmartCAT does that, what??)
- can handle character limits (for social networks)
- can handle deadlines and priority
- can send emails to the concerned persons when a task/project is created/completed (i.e. alerting the translator when a project is assigned, the proofreader when the translation is done or the project manager when the proofreading/editing is complete)
- can include multiuser chat and/or comments to the projects/segments with notification to the participants
- can handle wordcount
- can handle glossary
- can handle project creation dates with sorting
- doesn't mix languages (in SmartCat, a Spanish translator can see a German comment sent to the project manager, very disturbing...)
- can handle non-latin languages
- includes a correct feature
- lets us archive the completed projects without deleting them (with access if needed)
- doesn't cost a fortuneS

If you have any suggestion, it would be a relief for all of us. We've been struggling for months with this tool, I've never had so many headaches.

Thanks a lot for your help.
Kind regards.

Lincoln Hui
Lincoln Hui  Identity Verified
Hong Kong
Local time: 04:30
Chinese to English
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Server-based MemoQ/Memsource Cloud/XTM Nov 14, 2018

I generally refuse to use web-based tools, and if you give them to the uninitiated, the inevitable slowness of such a tool is going to add to the frustration that they already have due to unfamiliarity.

My advice is don't try to have one tool that does everything. Find a decent cloud-based tool with some form of local machine support, identify which features you need are missing, and set up a separate system to handle those things.

Philippe Noth
Bhaswar Lochan
Bhaswar Lochan
Local time: 02:00
English to Hindi
+ ...
MateCat/ Wordfast anywhere Nov 14, 2018

MateCat/ Wordfast anywhere are good online CATs. They take good care of my works in English-Hindi pair.
Try to use it. They can be helpful.


Minh Nguyen
Minh Nguyen  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:30
English to Vietnamese
Online CATs Nov 14, 2018


I've been working with some, and here is my subjective rating:

XTM: 1-star
Wordbee: 3-star
Smartling: 4-star
Memsource: 5-star
Crowndin: 5-star (hey, gimme more stars! I want to rate this 10-star)

[Edited at 2018-11-14 03:39 GMT]

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
Matecat or Memsource Nov 14, 2018

For online CAT tools, I would suggest you try Matecat or Memsource. Memsource also offers a Desktop Editor.

- everyone can learn very fast, since our project deadline is always yesterday (everyday) and some users don't have a clue about CAT Tools.
Both are quite easy, Matecat being easier than Memsource.

- can handle languages separately (as a French translator, I don't care about the German or Spanish projects)
Both do

- can le
... See more
For online CAT tools, I would suggest you try Matecat or Memsource. Memsource also offers a Desktop Editor.

- everyone can learn very fast, since our project deadline is always yesterday (everyday) and some users don't have a clue about CAT Tools.
Both are quite easy, Matecat being easier than Memsource.

- can handle languages separately (as a French translator, I don't care about the German or Spanish projects)
Both do

- can let us translators upload our TMs (tmx or csv basically)
Both do

- can handle large projects with automatic full pre-translation (SmartCat only searches in the TM when one clicks on the segment, and we can only switch segments by clicking on each one, annoying when you have 500 segments...)
Matecat: You can have 100% matches pretranslated. The rest is prefilled with the chosen MT (it's a post-editing tool as well). // Memsource has a lot of pre-translation settings.

- allows for searching in the TM
Of course, both do.

- can handle segment switching easily

- has the ability to confirm all segments at once
You can mark multiple segments as Approved in Matecat // Memsource: Select all, first.

- lets the translator change a pre-translated segment without applying the change to all matching segments within the project (SmartCAT does that, what??)
Selective auto-propagation, yes

- can handle character limits (for social networks)
Memsource yes, MI don;t think Matecat does, but you can get around this by using a browser extension.

- can handle deadlines and priority
Deadlines both, Priority I'm not sure (never used as a PM).

- can send emails to the concerned persons when a task/project is created/completed (i.e. alerting the translator when a project is assigned, the proofreader when the translation is done or the project manager when the proofreading/editing is complete)
Memsource yes. Matecat for assignment yes: https://www.matecat.com/support/advanced-features/create-teams-matecat/

- can include multiuser chat and/or comments to the projects/segments with notification to the participants
Both tools do, not sure about the notification though.

- can handle wordcount

- can handle glossary

- can handle project creation dates with sorting
I'm not sure for Matecat, very probably for Memsource

- doesn't mix languages (in SmartCat, a Spanish translator can see a German comment sent to the project manager, very disturbing...)

- can handle non-latin languages
Memsource supported languages: https://help.memsource.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003929811-Supported-Languages
Matecat supported languages and file formats: https://www.matecat.com/support/introducing-matecat/supported-browser-languages-formats/

- includes a correct feature
QA features included, spell checking features yes (either bundled or related to browser)

- lets us archive the completed projects without deleting them (with access if needed)
Matecat offers an easy archive process. Memsource, I don't know.

- doesn't cost a fortuneicon_eek.gifS
Matecat is free to use. Memsource pricing: https://www.memsource.com/pricing/

Memsource supports exporting a bilingual Word document, so that a reviewer may not need to use a CAT tool.
Matecat offers a specific Revising feature, with built-in error typology and rating/report. You'll have to see what the reviewers think about it.

Multiple languages:
At project creation, you can add multiple languages and assign them selectively to your team.

One big warning if you consider using Matecat, though:
By default, MateCat stores your translated segments in the public MyMemory TM. To make sure this does not happen unwillingly, create a private TM resource: In the Project creation page, click on Settings (Alternatively, in the TM and glossary field, expand the drop-down menu and select Create resource). Click on + New resource button in the opened dialog. Give the TM an optional name. Hit Confirm. You will see that “MyMemory: Collaborative translation memory” resource is Enabled for Lookup, but not set to be Updated anymore. That way, translated segments will only be stored in your private resources.

[Edited at 2018-11-14 05:45 GMT]

Georgi Kovachev
Dan Lucas
Jasmina Towers
Esther Levy
Esther Levy  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
English to French
+ ...
Thank you so much! Nov 14, 2018

Good morning,

Thanks a lot for your replies, especially to Jean who took the time to comment every need listed. That's why I love Proz so much.
I'll have a look into Memsource on which you both agree, as well as Matecat and Crowndin. This is a real timesaver!

[Edited at 2018-11-14 11:12 GMT]

Anton Konashenok
Anton Konashenok  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 22:30
French to English
+ ...
An alternative point of view Nov 14, 2018

An exhortation to every single agency: when choosing an online CAT tool, please, please, PLEASE make sure it supports export to/import from offline CAT tool formats (XLIFF, etc.). Quite a few translators, especially experienced ones, strongly dislike online tools because their user interface is usually less friendly and their operation is generally slower because of network delays. Even an extra half a second per segment can be a major annoyance. Having to stay online can also be inconvenient fo... See more
An exhortation to every single agency: when choosing an online CAT tool, please, please, PLEASE make sure it supports export to/import from offline CAT tool formats (XLIFF, etc.). Quite a few translators, especially experienced ones, strongly dislike online tools because their user interface is usually less friendly and their operation is generally slower because of network delays. Even an extra half a second per segment can be a major annoyance. Having to stay online can also be inconvenient for those who travel a lot and work from the passenger seat.

[Edited at 2018-11-14 11:11 GMT]

Eugenio Garcia-Salmones
Ricki Farn
Silke Walter
Philippe Noth
Esther Levy
Esther Levy  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
English to French
+ ...
Import/export files Nov 14, 2018

You're right Anton, but since SmartCat handles Xliff files (that's one of the very few positive features it has IMO), I figured more decent online tools implement that too.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Kay-Viktor Stegemann
Kay-Viktor Stegemann
Local time: 22:30
English to German
En recordo
Check for mouse-free operation Nov 14, 2018

If you try online CAT tools, test how they work without using the mouse. Check if they have easy keyboard shortcuts for all functions and tools that you are likely to use often. As Anton said, small delays can make a big difference in the long run, and if you have to lift your hand from the keyboard all the time to grab the mouse, it can kill your productivity (and cause repetitive strain injuries at that). With online tools, the keyboard controls are often not complete or badly designed.

Ricki Farn
Anton Konashenok
Silke Walter
Philippe Noth
Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
Important point Nov 14, 2018

Anton is raising a very important point.

For completeness sake, let me address it for the two recommendations I've made:

Memsource can export MXLIFF files that can then be translated in various CAT tools (including the Memso
... See more
Anton is raising a very important point.

For completeness sake, let me address it for the two recommendations I've made:

Memsource can export MXLIFF files that can then be translated in various CAT tools (including the Memsource Desktop edition).


Matecat can export XLIFF files, allowing a translator to work on another tool or run separate QA checks, but these files cannot be imported back directly into the project. However, they can be used to export the target documents (via a simple drag and drop here: https://www.matecat.com/utils/xliff-to-target) or produce a TM for future reference.

Other relevant articles:

[Edited at 2018-11-14 11:31 GMT]

DarwinE  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:30
Spanish to English
+ ...
I 2nd MateCat Nov 14, 2018

I've been working with MateCat since it first came out, and they just keep making it better and better!

DZiW (X)
DZiW (X)
English to Russian
+ ...
trends Nov 15, 2018

Is it just me or they deliberately turn CAT (computer-aided/assisted translation) tools to bulky expensive CAT-CRM-FA-multipurpose suits, making remote users even more heavily rely on vendors whims?

On the other hand, if it's no NDA, then a free WordFast Anywhere (FreeTM.com) should do as a CAT tool

Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 22:30
English to German
Seconding option to download for offline work Nov 15, 2018

I just read this article the other day
and I was very close to biting the carpet. Tech MAY degrade environment for translators? It MAY? That is not the meaning of "may" I learned at school.
... See more
I just read this article the other day
and I was very close to biting the carpet. Tech MAY degrade environment for translators? It MAY? That is not the meaning of "may" I learned at school.

Productivity features and user experience of online CAT tools are now where traditional offline tools were twenty years ago. And now at last someone apart from the victims of this hot mess (the translators) is catching on.

When an online tool has a feature that permits file download, that doesn't automatically mean you can use it. I had to throw a major temper tantrum to be permitted to download files from one Cloud CAT tool that actually advertises this possibility. "But we want you to use our super great UI!" was their reply. In the end, I had to play the disability card and tell the end client that I was the expert on working with spastic paws and could they please accept that. They put pressure on the Cloud-tool provider, and THEN I got access to the download feature. And guess what, a download does not contain the entire TM, but only the matches and fuzzy matches for the task in question.

I don't always crawl up the wall, but when I do, it is over bungled user experiences and their complacent owners.

Philippe Noth
Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
English to Czech
Wordfast Anywhere Nov 15, 2018


User interface can be localized.



1 Getting started
1.1 Before Login
1.1.1 How to create an account
1.1.2 Get your password back
... See more

User interface can be localized.



1 Getting started
1.1 Before Login
1.1.1 How to create an account
1.1.2 Get your password back
1.1.3 Cannot log in to Wordfast Anywhere
1.2 Login in to WFA account
1.3 Interface
1.4 Upload a document
1.5 Setting up a Translation Memory
1.6 Setting up a Glossary
1.7 Setting Machine Translation and IATE Glossary
2 Translating a document
2.1 Document translation
2.2 Document delivery
2.3 Shortcuts and buttons for main features
3 More Information



1 Introduction
2 Login in to WFA account
3 User Interface
3.1 Top Menu
3.1.1 Wordfast Anywhere Tab
3.1.2 File Tab
3.1.3 Edit Tab
3.1.4 View Tab
3.1.5 Translation Tab
3.1.6 Review Tab
3.1.7 TMs and Glossaries Tab
3.1.8 Help Tab
3.1.9 Custom Tab
3.2 Panels
3.2.1 TM Panel
3.2.2 Glossary Panel
3.2.3 Document Panel Document Layout
3.2.4 Status Panel
3.2.5 Outline
3.3 Other features
3.3.1 Show/Hide Top Menu Buttons
3.3.2 Show/Hide Advanced Buttons
4 File Operations
4.1 Upload
4.2 Open
4.3 Segmentation
4.4 Review
4.4.1 Transcheck
4.4.2 Spellcheck
4.4.3 Preview
4.5 Download
4.6 Delete
5 TM & Glossary Management
5.1 TM & Glossary Basics
5.1.1 Translation Memory Creating a translation memory Appending a TM to an existing TM Selecting an existing TM for translating a document
5.1.2 Glossary Creating a glossary Appending terms from a local glossary to an existing glossary in Wordfast Anywhere Selecting one or more glossaries for translation Using a glossary Adding terms to the glossary Fuzzy terminology recognition
5.1.3 Concordance search
5.1.4 Searching in a glossary
5.2 TM & Glossary Advanced features
5.2.1 TM operations View/Edit a TM Download a TM Removing a TM Quick TM Share TMs Tools Reversing a TM Assembling several TMs in one TM Edit a TM
5.2.2 Glossary operations View/Edit a glossary Download a glossary Removing a glossary Quick Glossary Share Glossaries tools Reversing a glossary Assembling several glossaries in one glossary
5.2.3 TMs and glossaries shares Add and edit shares to other users Sharing to applications
6 Translation
6.1 Preparation of the translation environment
6.2 Translating
6.3 Main commands
6.3.1 Provisional segment
6.3.2 Auto propagate
6.3.3 Note
6.3.4 Copying the original segment
6.3.5 Erasing the target segment
6.3.6 Insertion of a special character like the non-breaking space
6.3.7 Expanding a segment
6.3.8 Shrinking a segment
6.3.9 Placeables
6.3.10 Case changer
6.3.11 Increase target height
6.3.12 Web Speech Beta
6.3.13 Edit Source
6.3.14 Ending the translation
6.4 After Translation
7 Tools
7.1 Downloading TXML file
7.2 Merging TXML files
7.3 Other downloads
7.4 Find & Replace
7.4.1 Find
7.4.2 Replace
7.4.3 Go to Segment
7.4.4 Miscellaneous
7.4.5 Advanced search options
7.5 Analyze
7.6 Statistics
7.7 Alignment
7.8 Preview
7.9 Transcheck
7.10 Spellcheck
7.11 Pretranslation
7.12 Offline Review Tool
7.13 Extract Frequents
7.14 Go to WFP4
7.15 File information
7.16 Split file
7.17 Share file
7.18 Offline Mode
8 WFA Configuration
8.1 Features and Shortcuts
8.2 WFA Setup
8.2.1 General tab Machine translation Fonts Target segment selection Fuzzy Threshold in % Record Revisions Enable Auto-Suggest Tab behavior Enable auto-hide buttons Enable Segment Tool Bar
8.2.2 TM rules tab
8.2.3 Shortcuts tab
8.2.4 Segmentation tab
8.2.5 Pandora's box tab #1 PC, tablet and smartphone modes #2 Real time collaboration #3 Document file name convention #4 Special scoring rules between a translator and a proofreader #5 Configure insertion #6 Configure online dictionaries #7 Multiple Ctrl+Alt+Down toggles placeable #8 Configure Auto-Suggest #9 Configure Filters #10 Configure double click to open/close a segment #11 Configure Search #12 Copy source when no TM match and no MT proposition #13 Do not copy MT proposition to target #14 Do not show empty paragraph line in Classic view #15 Hide segment's IDs column on the Table view #16 Custom Tab settings
8.2.6 QA tab
8.3 Profile Configuration
8.3.1 Change email
8.3.2 Change password
8.3.3 Delete account

Happy translating and post-editing!

Milan Čondák

Czech Wordfast Trainer

Esther Levy
Esther Levy  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:30
English to French
+ ...
Online CAT Tool for a full organization Nov 15, 2018


Thanks again for your replies.

I know that online CAT tools are not the best solutions, we've been experiencing their flaws with SmartCAT for several months now (I basically download the files and translate them in my offline CAT Tool then upload them again to the cloud). We are now looking for a more efficient solution that would suit everybody, pros and non-pros in the translation field. I've been suggesting a good "organizer" but the client values the importa
... See more

Thanks again for your replies.

I know that online CAT tools are not the best solutions, we've been experiencing their flaws with SmartCAT for several months now (I basically download the files and translate them in my offline CAT Tool then upload them again to the cloud). We are now looking for a more efficient solution that would suit everybody, pros and non-pros in the translation field. I've been suggesting a good "organizer" but the client values the importance of the TMs so that's where we're at now.

The client (which is a private company who doesn't work with any translation agency) has to handle multiple projects in multiple languages. So you can see them as a translation agency on their own, with project managers and freelance translators and proofreaders, most of them not being pros.

I've been using WF Pro for several years now, but WF Anywhere is not suitable for us.
WF has a server solution that I have to look into also.


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Looking for a good online CAT Tool

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