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Laurent Di Raimondo
Laurent Di Raimondo  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:17
English to French
+ ...
DeepL is a translation aid, not a professional tool. Aug 18, 2021

Justin Trumain wrote:

For example: DeepLcom translates "la Partie créancière de l'obligation" as "the Party owing the obligation." But in fact it means the exact opposite: the party to whom the obligation is owed (=the "obligee").

DeepL translates "Autonomie des stipulations" in a contract as "Autonomy of stipulations."
But this clause is called "Severability" in English.

[Edited at 2021-08-18 13:03 GMT]

I concur with Justin.

DeepL is only an aid for translators. But it's squarely useless when it comes to translate technical documents which need a high level of proficiency into a given specialization, such as medical, biology, pharmacy, legal, finance, accounting and the like.

DeepL would always provide you, even in those high technical fields, a very attractive and seductive (maybe convincing as well...) version of the document into your native language, but which leaves to be desired technically speaking...

I mean, for instance, when you download into DeepL, say, a terms & conditions document, the rendering you only get - within a few seconds I concede - looks truly awful, unusable and incomprehensible for a native lawyer, what I am. In one word, it’s not conclusive.

Just use DeepL as an aid for translation, not as a reliable professional tool, which it is utterly not in any case.

[Modifié le 2021-08-19 05:55 GMT]

Anton Konashenok
Yaotl Altan
Tony Keily
Tony Keily
Local time: 20:17
Italian to English
+ ...
Better qualify that... Aug 23, 2021

Gerard Barry wrote:

Are you being serious? If all the translators of the world stopped working for a month, I can't see anything bad happening actually.

...or we'll be in for an extended and pointless session of forum ping-pong!

United States
Local time: 14:17
English to Finnish
+ ...
Can't use Aug 23, 2021

Tony Keily wrote:

"On certain more periphrastic legal or tricky financial/accounting documents, it's basically crap, but that's to be expected."

I mostly do patents, which must be translated word for word, often repetitiously. Tried DeepL. It made too many errors, some bad ones, while trying to improve the syntax. Definitely not for me.

Yaotl Altan
Tony Keily
Philippe Locquet
Philippe Locquet  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
Membro (2013)
English to French
+ ...
Been asked before Aug 24, 2021

Juan David A Aquino Marquez wrote:


Is there any software program, app, or web tool that can help differentiate between MT and Human-translated text?

Hello, this question has come up in forums a lot.
The answer is NO.

To the trained eye, a human translator familiar with the type of flaws/errors than MT have will be quite easily able to spot if a text (not at segment level) has been machine translated.

If you want to train your eye, here is a list of services that are machine translated without human editing (called RAW MT):
MSN news
and many more...

So short answer to your question "Is there any software program, app, or web tool that can help differentiate between MT and Human-translated text?"
But humans can

My bests

Tony Keily
Tony Keily
Local time: 20:17
Italian to English
+ ...
DeepL is Linguee automated Aug 24, 2021

Basically DeepL just seems to pick up the first instance or two on a Linguee list of hits and throw them at you.

Yaotl Altan
Denis Fesik
Denis Fesik
Local time: 21:17
English to Russian
+ ...
Maybe languages are doomed to blend together or die, but until then we're good Aug 24, 2021

I recently had an MTPE job that seriously pissed me off. It was a 50k-word construction standard, and I only had two days to make it seem like no MT had been involved (only a bunch of lousy human translators and maybe a good one or two). It all was a managerial SNAFU, so no big expectations there. What's remarkable, though, is that the MT, which had been trained using huge human-made TMs, didn't manage to translate any important terms correctly (and some of them had two or three incorrect transl... See more
I recently had an MTPE job that seriously pissed me off. It was a 50k-word construction standard, and I only had two days to make it seem like no MT had been involved (only a bunch of lousy human translators and maybe a good one or two). It all was a managerial SNAFU, so no big expectations there. What's remarkable, though, is that the MT, which had been trained using huge human-made TMs, didn't manage to translate any important terms correctly (and some of them had two or three incorrect translations: advanced AI sees a bunch of expressions where we see an interconnected body of text). That text was one big fail. Maybe there are language pairs in which a decent MT engine like DeepL can perform adequately, but it's certainly not the case with my working language pairs. Different languages often have hugely different systems for naming technical and scientific things, and English is one language where new terms keep popping up on top of huge piles of old ones, so whenever you have to communicate ideas from the frontiers of any discipline, MT won't help you – and dictionaries won't either. How will MT translate "simple and continuous construction"? Whatever it can come up with will be wrong. And none of the dictionaries I could find would offer correct translations. So, with jobs like that one, the only way to go is to open a zillion tabs with professional reference materials and get readingCollapse

Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
50k in 2 days? Aug 24, 2021

Still not happening. Unless you cut a lot of corners or it has a huge amount of exact reps.

Denis Fesik wrote:

I recently had an MTPE job that seriously pissed me off. It was a 50k-word construction standard, and I only had two days to make it seem like no MT had been involved (only a bunch of lousy human translators and maybe a good one or two). It all was a managerial SNAFU, so no big expectations there. What's remarkable, though, is that the MT, which had been trained using huge human-made TMs, didn't manage to translate any important terms correctly (and some of them had two or three incorrect translations: advanced AI sees a bunch of expressions where we see an interconnected body of text). That text was one big fail. Maybe there are language pairs in which a decent MT engine like DeepL can perform adequately, but it's certainly not the case with my working language pairs. Different languages often have hugely different systems for naming technical and scientific things, and English is one language where new terms keep popping up on top of huge piles of old ones, so whenever you have to communicate ideas from the frontiers of any discipline, MT won't help you – and dictionaries won't either. How will MT translate "simple and continuous construction"? Whatever it can come up with will be wrong. And none of the dictionaries I could find would offer correct translations. So, with jobs like that one, the only way to go is to open a zillion tabs with professional reference materials and get reading

Denis Fesik
Denis Fesik
Local time: 21:17
English to Russian
+ ...
Not claiming I made it happen Aug 24, 2021

Adieu wrote:

Still not happening. Unless you cut a lot of corners or it has a huge amount of exact reps.

It's just that someone had failed to organize things properly, and it wasn't me. They should give me time to complete the job with quality later. I covered a lot of ground building terminology for that project, but even after putting the correct terms together, I couldn't auto-find-and-replace them all throughout the text: it's a lot more time-consuming when editing Russian as compared to English. There was someone from (I guess) Italy on the forum who claimed he could do up to 15k per day starting with a clean slate, so maybe, given all the numbers and repetitions in that standard, he could have done an equivalent job. But not me, there's no way I can get that fast

Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Wait Aug 24, 2021

MTPE translator role? Or revision role after MTPE was performed by someone else?

If it's revision... it's remotely possible with dogged determination and a case of energy drinks.

Denis Fesik wrote:

Adieu wrote:

Still not happening. Unless you cut a lot of corners or it has a huge amount of exact reps.

It's just that someone had failed to organize things properly, and it wasn't me. They should give me time to complete the job with quality later. I covered a lot of ground building terminology for that project, but even after putting the correct terms together, I couldn't auto-find-and-replace them all throughout the text: it's a lot more time-consuming when editing Russian as compared to English. There was someone from (I guess) Italy on the forum who claimed he could do up to 15k per day starting with a clean slate, so maybe, given all the numbers and repetitions in that standard, he could have done an equivalent job. But not me, there's no way I can get that fast

Denis Fesik
Denis Fesik
Local time: 21:17
English to Russian
+ ...
I think we're seeing a wild extrapolation here Aug 25, 2021

Adieu wrote:

MTPE translator role? Or revision role after MTPE was performed by someone else?

If it's revision... it's remotely possible with dogged determination and a case of energy drinks.

My post was supposed to show how stupid of a job MTPE can get, but if the words above suggest that it's me who's stupid enough and devoid enough of self-respect to do such jobs as a matter of course every day, then, well, that suggestion does not hold water. I hope the managers will learn the lesson, but if not, I'll quit just as I did multiple times before when I felt I wasn't making a meaningful impact. And I don't take energy drinks, or drinchiki as they'd call them in the military. But that's becoming a digression into a completely different chapter (or two chapters) of my life

Gerard Barry
Gerard Barry
Local time: 20:17
German to English
My experience to date Aug 25, 2021

I'm currently post-editing a contract that was translated by DeepL from German to English. I find the quality really good! The only issue I have is that my dumb department (I'm an in-house translator) insists not only on post-editing the DeepL translation but also having it proofread by another translator after that. To me, this seems really excessive. What's the point of using technology if you have to check everything twice afterwards anyway?

Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Not at all Aug 25, 2021

I'm just trying to figure out what exactly you meant. No subtext. I do tons of MTPE and MTPE revision and collect decent money in the process.

Although, personally, I never take jobs that I cannot deliver on time. If it was 50k words revision in 48 hours, I *might* take it if the file list clearly showed a couple dozen related files clearly built on repetitive templates (batch of permit applications or something), but would otherwise pass.

...if it was 50k MTPE, regardl
... See more
I'm just trying to figure out what exactly you meant. No subtext. I do tons of MTPE and MTPE revision and collect decent money in the process.

Although, personally, I never take jobs that I cannot deliver on time. If it was 50k words revision in 48 hours, I *might* take it if the file list clearly showed a couple dozen related files clearly built on repetitive templates (batch of permit applications or something), but would otherwise pass.

...if it was 50k MTPE, regardless of rep count, I would respond with a request for 4 or 5 days and my honest opinion that nobody could possibly complete it well on their proposed schedule.

Denis Fesik wrote:

Adieu wrote:

MTPE translator role? Or revision role after MTPE was performed by someone else?

If it's revision... it's remotely possible with dogged determination and a case of energy drinks.

My post was supposed to show how stupid of a job MTPE can get, but if the words above suggest that it's me who's stupid enough and devoid enough of self-respect to do such jobs as a matter of course every day, then, well, that suggestion does not hold water. I hope the managers will learn the lesson, but if not, I'll quit just as I did multiple times before when I felt I wasn't making a meaningful impact. And I don't take energy drinks, or drinchiki as they'd call them in the military. But that's becoming a digression into a completely different chapter (or two chapters) of my life

Denis Fesik
Denis Fesik
Local time: 21:17
English to Russian
+ ...
It'll stop being good when things get beyond entry-level Aug 26, 2021

Gerard Barry wrote:

I'm currently post-editing a contract that was translated by DeepL from German to English. I find the quality really good!

Legal English is full of things like "To improve, manage, control, cultivate, develop, exploit, exchange, let on lease or otherwise, mortgage, charge, sell, dispose of, grant as gift, turn to account, grant rights or privileges in respect of, or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property, assets and rights..." – and I'll bet all my money (and will even borrow to bet some more) that no AI, however advanced, will translate this into a grammatically correct sentense in my language, because over here, every verb in the list calls for a specific noun case governed by it. AI will just translate the verb list and decline the nouns according to whichever verb comes last. The problem is that most human translators do the same thing, but I'm not one of them. I wonder how DeepL handles German cases in similar situations (four cases with hardly any noun forms are an easier task), but my overall observation is that German works in ways very different from those of English, which is why a lot of texts written by Germans in English are sometimes completely incomprehensible, but when you get a chance to read the original German, you begin to understand what the English was supposed to mean. So far, I've only been talking about linguistic things, but communicating civil law things to someone with a common law mind frame is yet another problem AI cannot solve, it does call for some ingenuity

Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
DeepL isn't an AI Aug 26, 2021

It's a plagiarized translation memory.

Denis Fesik wrote:

Gerard Barry wrote:

I'm currently post-editing a contract that was translated by DeepL from German to English. I find the quality really good!

Legal English is full of things like "To improve, manage, control, cultivate, develop, exploit, exchange, let on lease or otherwise, mortgage, charge, sell, dispose of, grant as gift, turn to account, grant rights or privileges in respect of, or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property, assets and rights..." – and I'll bet all my money (and will even borrow to bet some more) that no AI, however advanced, will translate this into a grammatically correct sentense in my language, because over here, every verb in the list calls for a specific noun case governed by it. AI will just translate the verb list and decline the nouns according to whichever verb comes last. The problem is that most human translators do the same thing, but I'm not one of them. I wonder how DeepL handles German cases in similar situations (four cases with hardly any noun forms are an easier task), but my overall observation is that German works in ways very different from those of English, which is why a lot of texts written by Germans in English are sometimes completely incomprehensible, but when you get a chance to read the original German, you begin to understand what the English was supposed to mean. So far, I've only been talking about linguistic things, but communicating civil law things to someone with a common law mind frame is yet another problem AI cannot solve, it does call for some ingenuity

Tony Keily
Tony Keily
Local time: 20:17
Italian to English
+ ...
Maybe it's for compliance Aug 26, 2021

Gerard Barry wrote:

I'm currently post-editing a contract that was translated by DeepL from German to English. I find the quality really good! The only issue I have is that my dumb department (I'm an in-house translator) insists not only on post-editing the DeepL translation but also having it proofread by another translator after that. To me, this seems really excessive. What's the point of using technology if you have to check everything twice afterwards anyway?

The main TSP standards require reviewing after translation. If your agency sees MTPE as equivalent to the translation stage it would need to have a review done to comply with the standards. Mind you, most agencies don't comply with the standards, whatever they advertise on their sites!

Yaotl Altan
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