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I'm not a cyborg
Persoa que publicou o fío: Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Membro (2006)
German to Dutch
Blame it on the Boogie Dec 12, 2022

Philip Lees wrote:

The people who are to blame for these bad deals are not the businessmen who propose them - they are just doing their job - but the translators who answer "Yes" instead of "No."

These businessmen include companies like Kilgray that developed an algorithm to "calculate" internal coherence, so that other businessmen can exploit this to negotiate further price reductions.

And then there is this nonsense about price reductions for fuzzy matches lower than 95%. Completely unacceptable.

Stephanie Mitchel
Philip Lees
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 20:34
Membro (2020)
French to Dutch
+ ...
It's shameless. Dec 12, 2022

Hans Lenting wrote:
And then there is this nonsense about price reductions for fuzzy matches lower than 95%. Completely unacceptable.

A while ago I was offered a post-editing job. My client applied a 75% discount (i.e. a discount of the alreay discounted post-editing rate) on the fuzzy matches compared to the fuzzy rates for conventional translation, which is utterly ridiculous because the treatment of fuzzy matches remains exactly the same between post-editing and conventional translation. It's really beyond shameless.

Ultimately the job was converted into a conventional translation (the text type didn't allow for profitable post-editing and my client accepted that), but I will most certainly remember the post-editing proposal for the future, because I will never accept those ridiculous conditions.

I must say that I'm happy to be a seasoned translator. I can't even imagine how insecure starting translators must feel with all those wolves who try to make you work for peanuts.

Vasaporn Chaiyakul
Laurent Di Raimondo
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I'm not a cyborg

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