2,380 registrants

SDL Trados Studio 2015 is here!

Jul 8, 2015

Conference recap


Date: Jul 8, 2015
Registrants: 2,380
Attendees: 1,542
Sessions: 9


Group discussion

SDL Trados Customer Experience Desk

Time: 10:55 to 17:00

SDL Trados Studio 2015 – an introduction to the SDL Language Platform and SDL Trados Studio 2015

Time: 11:10 to 12:00

SDL Trados Studio 2015 for beginners – how to get started!

Time: 12:05 to 13:00

SDL Trados Studio 2015 – Your productivity, our technology

Time: 13:10 to 14:00

SDL Trados Studio 2015 – Quality features in focus

Time: 14:05 to 14:50

SDL Trados Studio 2015 – Personalizing Studio – Your Studio, your way

Time: 14:55 to 15:35

SDL Trados Studio 2015 – Q&A Live Panel

Time: 15:45 to 16:25

An overview of SDL Trados Studio 2015

Time: 09:00 to 09:05

Translating a single document in SDL Trados Studio 2015

Time: 09:05 to 09:10

Conference feedback

Unfortunetly there is no Certificates from Proz for this event

Omar Elfriyakh
Member since: Sep 27, 2015

Interesting and useful presentations.

Really useful and interesting conference. I am waiting for the next.

Silvia Paje del Pino
Member since: May 26, 2016

Very useful event. Presentations are very detailed and easy to understand.

Excellent, informative event for a wide audience. The talks were evenly spaced at a reasonably fast pace but with intelligible, soft-spoken speakers who kept the listeners/viewers attention all the while. Looking forward to the new, updated products/tools of the trade. Thanks for a swell meeting of the minds. and free at that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Good and pretty interesting conference

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Search chat logs


Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL SteveBarlow: 1649755 All @Elizabeth, yes you can use a companies TM if they provide you with one.
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All [email protected]
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 keelin feeney: 665560 All Hi Steve
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All c'est la solution queje recommanderais
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Et j'ai trop peur de perdre toutes ma traduction donc, j'arrête de l'utiliser et copie les phrases deja traduites une a une dans un dossier Word pour finir ma traduc.
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All please feel free nto email me
12:10 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Si je vous écris les soluces proposées par votre confrère, pouvez-vous m'aider à les comprendre ?
12:10 Jun 26, 2014 Laura Ester Hernández: 1056313 All merci again...bye!
12:10 Jun 26, 2014 Elizabeth Kulikov: 1806613 All so that is why some companies/clients may require the work done on trados? So they can send you their database because they want it translated a certain way?
12:10 Jun 26, 2014 SDL SteveBarlow: 1649755 All Hi William, my email address is [email protected]
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 keelin feeney: 665560 All That is great, thank you. I will be buying a new laptop over the next few months anyway so I might just wait till then to avoid any serious issues. I am so happy with Trados 7 and TagEditor but am very aware that some of my bigger clients are in the process of moving over too.
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All de rien
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 SDL SteveBarlow: 1649755 All did you see my last message to your on the main message board?
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Workaround Option 1: 1. Keep sdlliff file open: Warehouse level of protection.pdf_en-US_it-IT.sdlxliff 2. Still ensure always process hyperlinks is enabled under PDF filter 3. Select all segments and clear all target segments 4. Reapply TM via manual segment for segment/automation.Not via Batch tasks 5. Once its been translated try save targe as.File saves back
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 William Pairman: 66738 All Thanks Steve, it's just a gripe I have about analysis
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 William Pairman: 66738 All And no, I missed it I'm afraid
12:11 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Workaround Options 2: 1. Under the PDF filter options, disable always process hyperlink 2. Open Warehouse level of protection.pdf_en-US_it-IT.sdlxliff 3. File - batch tasks - Pre-Translate 4. File - Save target as. It works ignore the PDF bit - just apply it to your file...
12:12 Jun 26, 2014 William Pairman: 66738 All Problem with these chats where you cant scroll back
12:12 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All C'est du charabia pour moi, tout ça et pourtant, j'ai pas mal étudié les autres logiciels il y a longtemps
12:12 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All I am there to help
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All So keep my email and when you are ready to go for it
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 keelin feeney: 665560 All I tried a side-to-side approach with Wordfast some time ago (not that I am comparing the actual software) and I really found that I worked slower. I suppose all our brains are different and some work faster in one way and others in the other. I am committed to SDL though and I will buy the first version that has this format!
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All c'est très technique
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All C'est bien ce que j'ai compris.
12:13 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All d'où ma recommandation de majorer vers une version plus récente de Word