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Search results: (40 matches)
ForoTemaTítuloTextoPublicado porHora
Trados support Language selection after installing SDL Trados Studio 2011 Uninstall and reinstall This is what I would do, uninstalling the software
and then reinstalling it. Not sure whether
this works with a starter version, though, but it
works with a full one. Hope it
Cristina Cajoto Mar 19, 2012
Translation news Translating Harry Potter Too drastic for my taste Isn't this going too far? Even if boarding schools
do not exist in Ukraine, thanks to globalisation,
I'm quite sure most Ukrainian are aware that they
do exist in other countries (they are
Cristina Cajoto Jan 18, 2012
Spanish ¿Es lo mismo corrección que "proofreading"? Por si sirve de ayuda... Tienes razón en que cada uno utiliza estos
términos a su antojo... Entre mis clientes,
por "edición" o "revisión" (edit, review...) se
entiende la corrección del trabajo de un
Cristina Cajoto Jan 17, 2012
Money matters IVA 303 Deducting computer worth more than €600 (Spanish IVA) Thought the 30th was the deadline for the annual summary... but it may also be for the fourth trimester.
Anyway, I always submit it by the 20th so I don't
get confused! Cristina.
Cristina Cajoto Jan 21, 2011
Money matters IVA 303 Deducting computer worth more than €600 (Spanish IVA) Yes, but you should have done it already You should have deducted this IVA in the statement
for the fourth trimester of 2010 (due yesterday).
If you haven't, I doubt you can claim it later if
the invoice is dated back in December
Cristina Cajoto Jan 21, 2011
Spanish Tarifas por hora (corrección) Calcula las palabras que puedes traducir/revisar en una hora Si dices que siempre trabajas con tarifas por
palabra, también puedes calcular las palabras que
puedes traducir/revisar en una hora y
multiplicarlas por tu tarifa por
palabra. Salu
Cristina Cajoto Nov 30, 2010
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing How do I best calculate my reviewing/proofreading capacity per day? 1000 words/hour An important client of mine has established a
ratio of 1000 words/hour for editing (comparing
source and target). It works fine for me, but that
depends on your knowledge of the topic, amo
Cristina Cajoto Oct 21, 2010 suggestions My suggestion is to set a limit of questions a member may ask without contributing I understand your feelings I admit that I am not a very active participant in
this section of the site, but I understand it can
be frustrating to see lots of questions from the
same translator for the same topic on
Cristina Cajoto Aug 27, 2009
Spanish Facturación en España a empresas extranjeras Estoy de acuerdo con Lucía Buena suerte! Cristina. Cristina Cajoto Aug 21, 2009
Translator resources Textbook for teaching Spanish to Adult Beginners in the UK I have used the second one Hi Ruth, I have used the second one, "El Nuevo
ELE". It's got fun activities but is not so good
for students to revise on their own. Another
book I have used for short courses is "Ta
Cristina Cajoto Jul 20, 2009
Business issues Are two weeks without any work good enough reason to start to worry? Ups and downs As my husband says, we, freelancers, are never
happy: we either have too little or too much work
:) Try and use this "free time" to do other
"business" tasks, such as marketing yourself
Cristina Cajoto Apr 29, 2009
Professional development IoL DipTrans results I am also waiting and I understand your anxiety! I have not changed
address lately, so they are probably running
late... Also, they are not very quick at
answering e-mails, maybe you could try and give
Cristina Cajoto Apr 22, 2009
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España baja por enfermedad: ¿como? Todos los autónomos tenemos mutua Lia, espero que te mejores pronto!! Todos los
autónomos tenemos una mutua. Ojo, no es lo mismo
que tener un seguro médico privado! La
Seguridad Social digamos que delega su
Cristina Cajoto Apr 4, 2009
Spanish Cómo demostrar mi experiencia Perfil de Proz Hola Paula: Sólo quería añadir una cosita a
lo que han dicho mis compañeros, y es que los
distintos apartados del perfil de Proz te pueden
dar una idea de los datos que debes inclui
Cristina Cajoto Feb 20, 2009
Getting established Translation Certification - Suggestion of Online courses IoL DipTrans Hi Guendalina, Since you live in the UK, I
think a good option to get certified would be to
take the IoL DipTrans examination (
- this is a very prestigious exam, especia
Cristina Cajoto Feb 6, 2009
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Posibilidades de enseñanza de ESL/EFL en España para hablantes no nativos de inglés El único problema es que tengas demasiado trabajo Hola Phil: No creo que tengas problema para
compatibilizar las dos cosas, siempre y cuando no
acabes con más trabajo del que puedes hacer. Esto
fue lo que me pasó a mí: llegó un pun
Cristina Cajoto Feb 3, 2009
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Posibilidades de enseñanza de ESL/EFL en España para hablantes no nativos de inglés Aunque no seas nativa hay posibilidades de trabajar Hola Débora: Yo hice esto que tú dices
durante un tiempo: trabajaba como traductora a la
vez que daba clases de inglés en una escuela
privada de idiomas (área de Barcelona). Yo
Cristina Cajoto Jan 27, 2009
Off topic Adult Education Centres Britain: Colleges and Community Learning Services As far as I know, in Britain you can find evening
classes for adults at Colleges or Community
Learning Services run by Councils. Check these
websites for a couple of places where I worked<
Cristina Cajoto Aug 14, 2008
Trados support Buying Trados Activation code Hello Ana, When you buy Trados you get an
activation code that is available to you when you
log in using your username and password. You will
be asked to enter this code at the end of t
Cristina Cajoto Jul 30, 2008
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España El Certificado de Retenciones: para que sirve? Suele ocurrir Como dice Parrot, tú tienes que declarar lo que
sale en tus libros, luego tus clientes declararán
lo que sale en los suyos, y a partir de ahí ya es
cuestión de Hacienda el arreglar las
Cristina Cajoto Jun 20, 2008
Spanish Compra de software Trados SDL Trados 2007 SP2 Esto es lo que tienes que comprar: SDL Trados 2007
SP2, que es la última versión de Trados y
además incluye SDLX y Multiterm. Cuando hagas
la compra por Internet te darán un número
Cristina Cajoto Jun 12, 2008
Trados support .itd files in TagEditor 7.0 Thank you Thank you for your help. I knew about the
problem with SDLX Lite not being able to open all
SDLX files, but anyway I wanted to try if it could
open mine. I spoke to the agency and th
Cristina Cajoto May 29, 2008
Being independent Is it an advantage to be "independent"? It also depends on where you live I am aware that this profession has certain
disadvantages, but for me it has a huge advantage:
you can work from anywhere in the world. I am
about to move back to my hometown, where
Cristina Cajoto May 26, 2008
Trados support .itd files in TagEditor 7.0 I can't open the files with SDLX Lite either I've read in other posts that SDLX Lite only works
with files created by SDLX Elite, which apparently
is not the case of mine. Anyway, I have finally
decided to wait and talk to the age
Cristina Cajoto May 25, 2008
Trados support .itd files in TagEditor 7.0 I'll try to download SDLX Thank you Grzegorz and Tadzio for your
help. Unfortunately, I don't have SDLX to
convert these files into TTX, but I'll try to
download the trial version (I think there is one).
Cristina Cajoto May 24, 2008
Trados support .itd files in TagEditor 7.0 Hello. I have problems opening some .itd files
with TagEditor 7.0. I have been reading previous
posts, but could not find anything that really
helped me. I have been sent some .itd f
Cristina Cajoto May 23, 2008
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Madres autónomas con hijos menores de 2 años ¡¡Gracias!! Gracias Catherine. ¡Qué información tan
interesante! La verdad es que no tenía ni idea, a
mí también me asombra que no se haya hecho más
publicidad a esta medida. Saludos.
Cristina Cajoto May 14, 2008
Spanish ¿Hay que declarar las operaciones intracomunitarias en el formulario 300? Creo que no tienes que incluir las facturas sin IVA Creo que en el modelo 300 no tienes que incluir
las facturas sin IVA: en las casillas 1, 4 y 7
sólo debes incluir las bases imponibles que han
sido gravadas con el IVA, tal y como se espe
Cristina Cajoto Apr 12, 2008
Spanish ¿Hay que declarar las operaciones intracomunitarias en el formulario 300? Las facturas a países intracomunitarios no llevan IVA Las facturas a países intracomunitarios no llevan
IVA, así que, por lo que yo sé, no afectan a tu
declaración del IVA. En cuanto al impreso 349,
la verdad es que no sé cuál es, per
Cristina Cajoto Apr 12, 2008
Spanish facturas: ¿qué hacer con el IVA? El IRPF se declara en la Declaración de la Renta Las declaraciones trimestrales y el resumen anual
son declaraciones del IVA. El IRPF se declara al
hacer la Declaración de la Renta: ahí deberás
incluir los ingresos que has tenido y el
Cristina Cajoto Mar 11, 2008
Spanish facturas: ¿qué hacer con el IVA? IRPF Sólo quería aclarar que según tengo entendido
el IRPF sólo se puede descontar en las facturas
que se emiten a empresas que por su parte declaran
este IRPF, pero no en las facturas a pa
Cristina Cajoto Mar 10, 2008
Spanish facturas: ¿qué hacer con el IVA? En Holanda no sé, pero en España... Yo vivo en España y estoy dada de alta como
autónomo aquí. Dentro de España facturo con
IVA, pero cuando a facturo a otros países de la
UE no aplico el IVA. Es decir, a mis clientes
Cristina Cajoto Mar 10, 2008
Trados support Tag Editor: corrupted .doc file Thank you very much for your help I'll now be careful to test and re-test every file
before using Trados. In my case, I think the
file did not come from a .pdf but was an original
.doc file: I suppose I could advise my
Cristina Cajoto Feb 4, 2008
Trados support Tag Editor: corrupted .doc file No, I'm afraid it's not that Hi Pavel, Thank you very much for your post.
I've done what you've told me and yes, my Trados
version supports Microsoft Office files, so that's
not the answer. I think the reason must
Cristina Cajoto Jan 31, 2008
Trados support Tag Editor: corrupted .doc file Hello everyone, I have been using Trados 7
Freelance for only three months, and last week I
had a problem with a .doc file that I am very
worried about. The document was quite large (1
Cristina Cajoto Jan 30, 2008
Trados support Trados TagEditor: do I have to leave the tags? Yes Hi Paula, Not that I am an expert in Trados but
from what I know all the tags have to be identical
in both texts, otherwise the target text would
look different from the original, as th
Cristina Cajoto Dec 15, 2007
Office applications Word count in Microsoft Power Point Thank you, Claire I'll be careful with those extra words that Power
Point doesn't count. Cristina.
Cristina Cajoto Sep 11, 2007
Office applications Word count in Microsoft Power Point Thank you Thank you for your help. Cristina. Cristina Cajoto Sep 11, 2007
Translation Theory and Practice Sworn Translator in UK ? Certified translator by the Institute of Linguistics Hi Estelle, I am not sure if this is what you
are looking for, but I know that the British
Institute of Linguistics holds an annual exam for
people that want to get certified as transla
Cristina Cajoto Sep 11, 2007
Office applications Word count in Microsoft Power Point Word count in Microsoft Power Point Hello everyone, I have a Power Point
presentation to translate. My problem is that I
have no idea how to count the words in a Power
Point document (it's so easy to do in Word!)
Cristina Cajoto Sep 11, 2007

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